Paul smirked and laughed at Miss Wind's comment about the name and age which is practically the exact opposite of everyone else he had known. Hell if he asked his female subordinates their age they'd kick him in the nuts for it most likely. [B]"Hey Wind you understand most women handily give out their names but when if I learned one thing from women is that they never give out their real age so what's the deal? You do thing differently from where I come from?"[/b] Paul said cockily as Jason told him to pipe down and not to antagonize their new allies. Jason wondered why Paul was acting that way in the first place he normally was so casual. Maybe it was perhaps because he thought of this entire scenario as a ridiculous to him or maybe it was a defensive mechanism for him to rely on mocking others when he was stressed. Pilots often taunted one another in his line of work to get their minds off the fact that they were in the midst of a fight. Or maybe it was something else entirely. Jason listened to the rest of them and chuckled happily to himself, [B]"Well I expected these responds from you all at least I can say I'm a decent judge of character hm? Well then Miss Wind would you feel more inclined on giving us your name if I gave you Black Star's? Paul come now introduce yourself to your new friends."[/b] Jason said rather sarcastically towards the end because he knew Paul reaction would be incredulous as the boy looked at him just as he expected him to...with anger. [B]"Captain! WHY WOULD YOU-Sir why would you give my name around like that I'm a ace with-"[/b] Paul began with a mix of disgust and sudden aggravation plus disbelief. But Jason held up his hand, [B]"Calm yourself Paul now please remember that you should be polite in negotiations with possible allies. We're all lost in this world together so we may as well give them the benefit of the doubt or at least that's what I think. They have an honest air about them and I know a slimey dog when I see one. Now then back to business....Instructor you may give whatever design or repairs we can make to Sandrock given that it is not to costly towards our own suits. We have our own engineers so you're not to worry with our own suits. Perhaps you may find a kindred spirit in our head doctor, of which we have three doctors in total on this ship, his name is Wilber Fillmore and he will be taking care of you so I recommend not pissing off the doctor if you don't mind. He's a bit....cold but he is as good as a doctor as any I've ever seen and he's saved my life many times over. You two will be sharing Room B-4 and Mr. Gabriel...welcome to the Sundown, that's our ship's name, I welcome you as a brother in arms and as an official member of OMNI. You shall be bunking with a young man named Grant whom was recently bunking with SIGMA squad but has unfortunately they lost a few members in this recent events. You will be given a uniform if we have one to spare...and before any of you ask about the reason why our ship is so big and has so many crew members...our operations are meant to last weeks if not months at a time and a fully functional crew is kept on this ship at most times in order to provide the maximum coverage possible. Unfortunately in a battle situation our bulk gets in the way but we have more guns to make up for then DISMISSED!"[/B] Jason said plainly as he turned around and Paul saluted their captain and looked around at the others quickly and distrustfully. At least they weren't pro-spacenoid zealots. [B]"if anyone needs directions just ask ok. The rooms are decently spaces out but still rather small think of them like a small hotel room but with less comforts of home. Showers are at the end of the barracks and officer decks as well as the cafeteria being on the end of the officer's deck. Medical room has it's own floor."[/b] Paul put bluntly before leaving the room quickly. Jason simply sat there with his chair turned away from the new-comers as if provoking them to attack him if they were really spies. But that wasn't his attention in reality the man was simply thinking,