As the group started to pass ways, Fortune quickly found himself to be the last human present at the meeting. With a small sigh as it became clear that the meeting was at an end, he offered the two dwarves and the elf a small but respectful bow. "I will see you on the morrow then." Removing his weight from the wall and standing up properly, Fortune made to walk towards the door... before stopping as he considered something. Turning back to look at his non human compatriots, the young man took a small breath before offering "If you don't have anywhere to stay for the night, you are welcome to share the room I've rented for the night." There was no harm in offering hospitality and since he was going to be working with them for the foreseeable future it seemed like a good idea to try and get off on the right foot. ......................................................... As the light of day shined down on the world, Fortune rode through the streets of Marienburg astride Twilight; A beautiful black mare descended from a proud Bretonnian pedigree. He had opted to travel in street clothes instead of dressing in his full armor, favoring an outfit that truthfully made him look more like the son of a wealthy merchant rather then the heir of a noble house. His sword remained by his side through. Reaching the ship that was going to carry them on their journey, he slid off of Twilight's back in order to lead her up the ramp and onto the ship proper... where after a brief [i]conversation[/i] with the captain (and a small gift of coins for the trouble) Fortune set Twilight up as comfortably as he could make her in a pig pen alongside said pigs and another horse before removing his gear and supplies from her back. He didn't know what the future held for him, but having Twilight nearby would go a long way to comforting him. The meeting with the wizards was a... somewhat awkward affair. While Fortune was polite enough to introduce himself to both of them respectfully, he allowed the others to do the talking and left as soon as it was polite to do so. After the incident with their... patron the night before Fortune had no desire to be around anyone who could do the same, if not worse then him; Yet during the meeting he kept glancing at Darren's student before quickly looking away, a self concuss hand reaching up to rub against the pox scarred skin of his face. She looked like what he had always pictured a Damsel to look like... ............................................................ When the chance to go above deck presented itself, Fortune took it happily... even if he looked a little flushed as he walked over a little unsteadily to join his peers that had already come up before him. "I don't I like boats... I've only been on this one for less then a day and I already feel awful." He confessed aloud as he went to lean on the railing of the ship... closer to the edge in the event breakfast or lunch wanted to come back up.