The monk's dart flew past his allies, landing on the drake's front leg despite the creatures attempt to step out of the way. The beast was now bleeding from two spots and this could be seen in it's somewhat unsteady posture. However, what it lacked in steadiness, it more than made up in the glare of rage it graced it's adversaries with. It still lived, but probably not for much longer. The kobold that had the unfortunate opportunity to taste the monk's fist didn't fare quite as well on the endurance's side... a sharp snap beneath the striking fist and a very sharp exhale preceded the creature crashing onto the floor, twitching momentarily before finally laying still. One more of the attackers down. And just like the earlier attempts at their enemies, Parum's cutting words found the base they were seeking in the human's mind, allowing them to influence the man's future actions. But before the person had a chance to retaliate, the two remaining kobolds were already on the move. The first one behind the drake hopped to it's side before the human and struck diagonally against Orchid, scoring a strike against their rage hardened flesh. While this was going on, a rock flew from the breached door towards the monk, no doubt loosed from the sling if the lone kobold. The shot went pitifully wide, striking the ceiling above. [hider=Rolling] The human failed their WIS save with a roll of [url=]9[/url]. The kobold, gaining advantage from Pack Tactics struck Orchid with a roll of [url=][b]19[/b][/url] and [url=]7[/url]. The attack dealt [url=]4[/url] slashing damage. The final attack by the other kobold was a pitiful [url=]5[/url]. [/hider] Lastly, the human approached the drake, with the kobold next to it speaking to the latter in draconic: "[color=lightcoral]Thurirl zara. Xihood ti.[/color]" The drake seemed to accept the kneeling human's touch as white light shone from the man's left hand, as well as something they grasped in their right. The drake's wounds closed themselves just a small amount as it growled defiantly at the heroes before it. [hider=More rolling] The drake was healed by [url=]6[/url] by the enemy acolyte's Cure Wounds spell. [/hider] [hider=Translation]The words "[color=lightcoral]Thurirl zara. Xihood ti.[/color]" translate to "Friend behind. Worry not.[/hider]