[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/szsNaJt.png[/img][/center] It was hard to relax on the flight back to Beacon. Thought they had ultimately succeeded in their objective, it had come at a high cost. Trad spent most of the trip checking his equipment for dents, scratches, and other damages that would need repairing, anything to get his mind off the last few days. When they first finally landed at Beacon they were greeted by staff and students alike all in a state of alarm at the condition of the team. A few notable faces included Gren and Professor Ozpin both asking about Delta’s fate, as well as his former teammate Sangue shyly hidden behind Gren. Grane stepped forward and gave the report making sure to include everything negative he could about Robert. Trad wanted to be respectful, especially on the subject of Grane's fallen friend, but he couldn't stay silent while all the blame was thrown upon Robert. After the report was finished Trad stepped forward to give his own account, [color=228b22]“I mean no offense to my teammate, but that is not entirely true. Though our drop off had been compromised it was us who attacked first, and we had plenty of time to set up beforehand. While Robert was careless in his attack plan, Delta himself made no move to prepare himself in anyway despite knowing his style was not suited for close combat. Not to mention neither of us did anything to defend him on our own. The blame for Delta’s death is on all our heads, not just Robert.”[/color] [color=228b22]“That being said… The rest is true. Through most of the mission Robert acted alone and failed to take initiative when a decision needed to be made.”[/color] While it felt hardly the time to be talking about removing a member, Trad figured he'd give his two cents while the subject was up. [color=228b22]“I think with how much the original team has changed since Robert was appointed leader, it might be wise to reevaluate this team's structure. After we've all rested and recovered of course.”[/color] [@Lazo][@Guess Who][@Nytem4re][@Lugubrious][@Lucius Cypher][@Crimson Raven][@NarayanK]