[quote=Awson] Not always.Source: born. [/quote] Are you tryna tell me that a woman can birth a baby in under two hours? [Quote] How long is labour? It is impossible to anticipate the length of labour. Every woman and every labour is individual. In general women expecting their first baby will take longer than women expecting a subsequent baby (though this does not always hold true). For a first baby, the average length of the first stage of labour is 12 to 14 hours, the second stage 1 to 2 hours and the third stage 5 to 60 minutes. Women expecting a subsequent baby can expect the first stage to last around 6 to 8 hours and the second stage lasting from 5 to 60 minutes.[/quote] [Url=http://www.pregnancy.com.au/resources/topics-of-interest/labour-and-birth/labour.shtml] Source. [/url]