[list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u]Kasamatsu Hana [*][u][b]Magical Girl Title:[/b][/u] Shining Scales (usually called “Shinscales”) [*][u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 16 [*][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [color=ed1c24][u][b]WHY EVEN HAVE THIS???[/b][/u][/color] [*][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Hana's hair is styles into twin drills that are held securely behind her head and tumble the length of her back. They are usually secured with a hair clip or ribbon. Her eyes are brown, but can appear almost orange in the right light. This is an anime RP, so it's probably worth mentioning that her breasts are a bit larger than the norm. But she tend to wear heavier clothes to hide this fact. When not wearing a school uniform, she tends to dress “punky,” usually stripes shirts and stockings under jeans and a jean jacket. [*][u][b]Magical Girl Appearance:[/b][/u] Hana takes on the magical girl version of a pirate captain. She has a large captain's hat with a coat that seems to always flair out like a bell below her waist. Leather straps, plenty of places to hide weapons, and lots of magical girl jewelry. Under her seemingly flashy outfit though is scale mail. Form AND function! [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Hana does not go out of her way to make connections with others. It would not be incorrect to call her a misanthropist. She finds the day to day gossip and stories people tell boring, and would prefer to spend as little time absorbing such gibberish as possible. She will try to disengage from people who talk to her in a nice way, but occasionally feels the need to be blunt with them to get away from the chattier people. Hana almost never apologizes, and is more likely to tell you how you could avoid being offended/hurt/disappointed. Hana doesn't much care for being nagged or mocked either. Hana has no difficulty avoiding these people, but you can be sure she's plotting her revenge. It's a mystery why she ever wanted to become a magical girl. That is not to say Hana avoids everyone. If Hana feels someone can help her forward her own goals, or finds something they do fascinating, she can tolerate or even become friends with the individual. Hana does not like people, Hana likes what people can do. Hana can be obsessive when it comes to her hobbies and goals. Her head is filled with pointless trivia as a result of many late night youtube and google hopping expeditions. This is especially true when it comes to her hobbies. She really likes fantasy dramas. As her Shining Scales persona, Hana is bubbly and “punny.” almost a complete 180 from her true self. [*][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] Hana spends a lot of time in front of her computer, and is fascinated by them to the point of obsession. She spends a lot of time working with electronics, building everything from custom game controllers to robots. She's knowledgeable about programming, soldering, and micro electronics. She's also great with trivia. She also strength trains in her off time, giving her a sturdy upper body for sports that involve throwing or swinging things. Many people consider her ability to beguile others a skill as well. [*][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] When not in uniform, the only power Hana takes advantage of is her “Captain's Dare.” The attack is silent and has no warning cues, but can only be used when both Hana and the target are making eye contact and are within five feet of each other. After they make eye contact for a few seconds, the victim will enter a sort of paralysis where they can only blink, breath, etc. Closing your eyes does not protect you from it's effects, but if Hana's vision is obstructed or she looks away for more than a few seconds, her target regains use of their body. It's uses are extremely limited, and Hana only really uses it to get away from people she has no interest in talking to. Provided her fairy companion isn't paying attention that is! When in uniform, Hana gains the same generic speed/strength/vitality boost that most magical girls get. Her durability perhaps increases more than usual because of her scale mail. The real strength of her transformation comes from her ability to pull various gunpowder related items out of her coat. Flintlock pistols, blunderbusses (filled with silverwear!),black powder bombs, even cannons. They all fade away shortly after being fired. The larger the item, the longer it takes to draw out of her coat. Her ultimate ability, her one true spell, is “Ultimate Fantastic Flying fortress: Fantasia.” (Can be shortened to U4F.) This opens a rift in the sky for a magnificent flying battleship to enter the world. It's armed with about thirty cannons per side, and is manned by an army of pirate skelitons. But the best part of U4F is that it's actually a projectile attack. U4F will eventually dive out of the sky into the designated area and explode. This consumes the entirety of Hana's unusually large mama reserve, forcing her to revert back to her normal self after the spectacular. [*][u][b]Weapon(s):[/b][/u] While Hana primarily fights with her gunpowder gadgetry, she does have a saber for close quarters fighting. [*][u][b]Brief History:[/b][/u] Hana is a rather unremarkable child. Like most teenagers, she has yet to take her life in any real direction. She's just an average, obsessive teenage girl. While there is her interest in electronics, the rest of her past is so generic most wouldn't be able to help but call it boring. The only odd thing about Hana is her reluctance to socialize very much. This greatly displeases her parents, who are both wealth overachievers. Why is their child so boring? Why doesn't she desire anything more than simple modes of entertainment? Doesn't she like people? It might have been her upbringing, maybe a bad run in at school. It's not all that unnatural. But maybe there's more to it than that... Hana is a first-year at East Umitori High School in class 1-C [list][*][u][b]Fairy Name:[/b][/u] Isk [*][u][b]Fairy Appearance:[/b][/u] Isk looks like a Timneh African Grey from a distance. But closer inspection reveals her to be a faerie in a bird suit. Isk is also known to wear a black feathered cloak with a plague mask when not trying to hide her true form. Isk is an older fairy and has a taller, thinner body than her younger counterparts. [*][u][b]Fairy Personality:[/b][/u] Isk is not capable of speaking, and instead transmits words and images directly into people's heads. Isk has a “tough love” approach when it comes to dealing with others. While she does genuinely care for the well being of all things, she often comes across as stern and merciless. But she is not afraid to patronize those she feels are worthy of it. [/list] [*][u][b]Theme Song:[/b][/u][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0ovdz8M1F0]"Starry Story".[/url][/list]