[@IronWill] Merciful Abaddon! YOU DREW THAT?!!! Your art is like way fucking better than me! 8D. I love it! First off, I was totally drawn to the intricate details in her braid and the over all soft look of her hair. The demure, grayish color also compliments her fair complexion and hazel (i think) eyes quite well! Second, I love the expression too! It fits so well with the character you described. You can practically see the weakness, the frailty in her eyes. The darkness around them also helps alot to convey that! I must say, this is a very lovely piece and I will definitely be saving it to my phone, given your discretion of course. And uh...good luck with finding an RP partner. I'd join, but I like to do FxF more than MxF, plus I'm hella swamped between work and stuff. Anywho, hope you the best snd Stay Gold \m/