Zim took his place in the briefing hall, the frustration of the simulations was behind him now, mostly. Having returned to his usual stoic personality he gave a proper salute to the newest people in the room. Devors, the tall man was nearly twice the height of Zim, but when the new Sarge entered he was a little dumbfounded. The apparent age wasn't so much a surprise, everyone else around him was far younger then he was, it was her decoration and rank on such a young person that surprised the older pilot. But, at least he wasn't the shortest member on the squad anymore. When asked if there were any questions Zim was tempted to ask the obvious question. He wanted to raise his hand and ask just how old she was, but he knew better. He instead came up with a better question. He raised his hand to indicate he had a question and waited to be addressed. "Thank you, Ma'am. I am cadet Zim Hero, you mentioned that you were sent as backup, I assume that to mean that you are all pilots, correct? Might I ask what kind of armorments your werks use, or any specialization that you each have? Or to be more specific about the question, beyond your command and training in what ways are you three supplementing and augmenting our team?" As soon as Zim stopped talking he realized that it could sound as if he were challenging the three of them. It could sound like he resented them being there. He should have just kept his mouth shut and waited for the captain to come and explain it all.