[hider=Canoness Ishitta Thamus] [u][i] Name: [/i] [/u] Canoness Ishitta Thamus [u][i] Race: [/I] [/u] Human (Adepta Sororitas) [hider=Appearance:] [img] http://66.media.tumblr.com/5b835b27fca38ce269955d27bdf59da1/tumblr_nbzy9aMkMX1sutddeo5_1280.jpg [/img] [/hider] [u][i] Personality: [/i] [/u] On the surface Ishitta is a hard woman. Who is willing to go to extremes for her beliefs. However, underneath that hardened exterior is a woman that cares greatly about the needs of the people under her command and put their needs first be it material or spiritual. She will go to great length to make sure those needs are meet. Ishitta is a person who has no love of Xenos and seems to actually look for ways to get away with purging them. Although will tolerate, even show some simple signs of respect to Xeno's that prove to be useful or help her. However, deep down she hates anything not human. No matter what a Xeno does that is helpful to her she will never really like them. Ishitta has no love of Chaos and it worshipers and at the slightest hint of Chaos she will purge a worshiper without any hesitation and will begin a search. Hunting and purging every worshiper to the dark gods she can find until she is satisfied they have been all eliminated. Ishitta treats all everyone outside of her order with a small level of distrust and contempt. Always watching those around her closely. Ishitta is a woman that leads by example whenever posable. If she tells her sisters to take a hill, chances are she will personally lead the charge if she feels she is the best to lead it. Otherwise, she will stay back issuing orders and dealing with politics of the Gregorian Impreium to ensure the needs of her sisters are represented and heard. Ishitta expecting to be listened to when she speaks, she has little patience for politicking. However, understanding it is required tolerating it like she does Xeno's that prove to be of use. Although rarely seen Ishitta does have a soft side. However, it is reserved for when she is around her closest of friends and most trusted confidants. Ishitta treats those she likes with respect, although that list is very small [hider=Biography:] Ishitta was born on a feudal world on the outermost edges of Segmentum Obscurus. A world that was under the rule of one of the many petty Impreuims. The daughter of a noble, she was taught the arts of politics much to her dismay. She was expected spend her days in the court of her king. This was until the Order of Mourning Maidens came to her world. A group of Adepta Sororitas who were in search embodiment of the God-Emperors will. The order granted Permission to recruit from the populace of the planet. In exchange for dealing with a rival Impreuim. Coming to the world the sisters wasted little time and began to passionately preach their beliefs and their mission. Offering protection and propose to those were willing to join them. As they preached the sisters offered food a medical care to those that needed it. Ishitta like many heard the words the sister's preachers spoke and at first ignored their preaching. Thinking the power armour clad maidens were insane. Searching the galaxy for some dead gods will it sounded like madness. Each day she listened to the sister's preach. Begging those still who held in the smallest amount of faith in the god-emperor to join them. After several days of listening to the Maidens preach, she began to think they might have a point and by the sisters last day of preaching. She began to believe the passionate speech's made by the Maidens and decided to join them. Openly declaring her faith in the God Emperor. The sister pleased by this welcomed her and brought her abroad their ship and old Battle Barge called the Redeemer of worlds. recovered and brought back into working condition by the order. In order to ensure everyone had a purpose, Ishitta was rigorously tested and eventually told she would become a sister of battle. Told it was the Emperors will she bring his word to the masses and protect those the order claimed to be the last of the truly faithful aboard the ship. Ishitta underwent the training to become a battle sister. Enduring the first of many hardships a Sister of battle had to endure in service to the God-Emperor. Even then Ishitta showed signs of a great warrior. Once her training was complete and she was made a sister. Ishitta learned in the fire of battle what it meant to be a soldier. The sisters still renting themselves out to those they deemed worthy of their service. She saw combat across many worlds fighting everything to Imperial Guard and even Chaos Space Marines. In these battles, Ishitta proved herself to be a very capable soldier. Slowly climbing the ranks until she was the Canoness right hand. Having impressed the current Canoness with her now honed skills and now strong faith in the Maidens cause. Canoness deciding that Ishitta would succeed her. Confident she would lead the order on the right path and continue the quest. So, begun to groom Ishitta for the role. The Canoness stepping down when believed Ishitta was ready. The Canoness now and old woman and no use on the battlefield too old to endure the rigorous of battle. Now leading the Order Ishitta did as her predecessor. Continuing the quest to find the Emperors will. Taking in those they believed still held faith in the God-Emperor and could fit aboard the Redeemer. Ishitta wishing to grow her order, beyond the limited confines of the Redeemer. Ishitta continued the search until they arrived in the newly formed The Gregorian Impreium. Meeting with Emperor, something about him made Ishitta believe that this man may very well be the one the Maidens had been looking for. She remained sceptical but was willing to commit the order to him for the time being and see. Ishitta kept her scepticism to herself and inner circle of commanders. A deal was stuck with the emperor and the rest of the Maidens that Emperor Gregori was one they had been looking for. After all this time the search was over. Ishitta pleased as for the moment she could at least begin to grow her order. Into a true force to reckoned with. [/hider] [u][i] Forces: [/i] [/u] [i]Order of the Mourning Maidens: [/i] 200 Sisters of battle. A various mishmash of armoured vehicles and aircraft. 1 Heavily modified Battle Barge. (The Redeemer of Worlds.) [hider=History of the Order of the Mourning Maidens:] [hider=The Order before the Maidens, Order of the Ebony Heart] The order of the Mourning Maidens history is one the date back to when the Imperium of Man still stood and the god emperor still sat on the golden throne. The Maidens at the time a minor order called Order of the Ebony Heart. Formed by the Adepta Sororitas, to assist the Ecclesiarchy in spreading the word of the god emperor to long lost worlds. In uncharted or simply dangerous space. Protecting Ecclesiarchy agents with bolter and purifying flames as they spread the word of the god-emperor They were granted a small fleet and thanks to the Ecclesiarchy were giving vast amounts supplies the order not expected to return to Imperial space for years. When the Imperium fell, the Order of the Ebony Heart was unaware of it, for the most part. Searching for populated worlds on the outermost edges of the galaxy. All they knew was for some reason every navigator in the fleet suddenly died and wrap storms began to crop up everywhere, cutting the fleet of from the Imperium. Unable to return to the Imperium and unable to make deep warp jumps. The fleet began to skim the warp and pressed on with the mission. Avoiding the warp storms as they tried to find a way back to the Imperium. The fleet still continuing to spread the word of the god emperor. The Order of the Ebony Heart became more aware something had happened when their fleet was attacked by several ships controlled by Space Marines of the Dark Angles chapter that had turned to piracy after the Imperium's fall. A battle ensued and the Space Marines having the element of surprise inflicted heavy damage upon the Orders fleet before the Space Marines ship driven off or destroyed. The now battered fleet commanded by a now paranoid confessor. Ordered the fleet to repair and press on. Wanting to know what had caused loyal Marines to turn on servants of the Imperium. [/hider] [hider= Canoness Angelica and the birth of the Mourning Maidens, the start of the great search.] It wasn't long after that the news emperor's death his reach the Order of the Ebony Heart. Shaking the Order to its core. The sisters confused, how could a god die? The sister turning to the confessor for answers. However, he had none and mere days after the news he took his own life. Leaving the young Canoness Angelica to lead the Order of the Ebony Heart on her own. Although young she was gifted battle sister a skilled leader and passionate speaker of the word of the god emperor. The young Canoness Angelica knew without the guiding light of the Emperor, they had no justification for the extreme actions they often performed. How could they purge heretics in the name of the emperor if there was no emperor? These questions haunted Canoness Angelica, ordered her fleet into orbit of a populated world. Angelica ordered her confused order to gather supplies and work helping the sick and needy. Meanwhile, Angelica spent the next 3 days in deep prayer and thought. She didn't sleep, she didn't eat or drink. Locked away in her quarters kneeling before a small bust of the emperor. As Angelica searched for answers the Order of the Ebony began to crumble. The sister's confusion turned to anger and they began to turn on each other and the planet's populace. Angelica's second in command did everything she could to hold the order together and by the grace of the late god emperor she did. Angelica emerging from her quarters. With her faith renewed, for she had realized something the other sisters were yet to realizes. Angelica had her second in command gather the entire order. Angelica still weak from her time in deep prayer, she stood before them all assisted by her second in command to address her confused and angry sisters. [hider=A record Angelicas address to the Order of the Ebony Heart.] [quote]SISTERS! HEAR ME! I know many of you stand before me, confused and angry. I understand my sisters, I feel your pain. The loss god emperor. Is something we all thought to be impossible. However, I stand before you today not full of grief and pain. But full of hope. Why? Having spent last three days in prayer I have made a great realization. I have realized on this day although our father, our emperor! Is gone, yet he is still with us. In our HEARTS! in our MINDS! In our FAITH! Even if the emperor is gone his will still lives on. For nothing can kill the will of a god. His will as merely moved on into a new vessel one worthy to bare the burden and we daughters of the emperor are sworn to serve that will. All we must do is find it's the embodiment of his will. So, sisters who will stand with me and join me on this great search. I cannot say how long we must search, but it is no matter, for us the last of truly faithful we will find it. For we are the chosen daughters and this is OUR DUTY. However, I will not force anyone to join me on this quest. I will this once, allow you denounce your vows to the emperor and leave this fleet. However, if you stay I promise you will have propose. So, we never forget our late emperor our time as the Ebony Heart must come to a close. On this day I declare a new order of the sisterhood from this day forth we shall be known as the Order of the Mourning Maidens to remind us and all we encounter to never forget. That even in death the truly faithful will still serve the TRUE GOD EMPORER! NOW! SISTERS! WHO IS WITH ME!?[/quote] [/hider] As Angelica address ended her sisters cheered. The Maidens faith rekindled, every sister of battle fell to their knees and began to pray to the god emperor. Days after her address, Angelica commanded the fleet to begin what the order would come to call the Great Search and it would test the faith and firepower of the Order of the Mourning Maidens. The early days of the search proved difficult few willing to accommodate the Maidens. To ensure the mission of the Maidens was never forgotten or twisted Canoness wrote a manifesto. Detailing the propose of the order and how to find the embodiment of the god-emperors will. Giving descriptions of the man that would be the embodiment and the circumstances that would surround him. She forbade anyone from ever making a copy. Calming the order couldn't risk her words being corrupted and turned to evil intent. [place holder for descriptions for if I ever get around to them] [/hider] [hider=The great search, the discovery of the Redeemer of Worlds] For centuries, the sisters wondered searching. Never finding one that embodied the God-Emperor's will. The centuries taking a toll on the sisters. The sister's number dwindling, their ships starting to show the signs of age and ill repair. Angelica manifesto becoming damaged and sections of it lost. Never able to be replaced, the order obeying Angelica orders to never copy the manifesto. Even with aging ships and few numbers. They continued to search never faulting in their propose once, seeing the hardships as mere tests. Which only further bolstered their resolve. As the Maidens searched, they were forced to rent themselves out as common mercenary's for needed supplies and raided small settlements overrun by what they considered heresy. This earning the Maidens a mixed reputation that followed them across the galaxy. The Order of the Mourning Maiden where known fearsome warriors that raided anything they deemed heretical. However, Maidens also became known to aid to those in need. All the while preaching the word of the dead god emperor. As the maidens searched they found what would become their home. Sat in the depths of open space the maidens fleet, found a derelict battle barge. It adrift in space. Wasting no time the maidens boarded the ship. What they found, was a gruesome sight. The crew and the Space Marines aboard had been slaughtered and the ship heavily damaged. The ship's interior covered in signs of battle, however, no signs of the attackers were found. Almost like the Spaces Marines turned on the crew then on each other until the were all dead. The Maidens Canoness at the time quickly decided to claim the ship. A risk being stuck in open space. The Maidens worked tirelessly and quickly restore the ship, seeing it as a gift from the Emperor. Stripping down their fleet to mere husks they managed to get the barge's basic systems in working order. The Canoness pleased, she took this as a sign the god-emperor was rewarding Maidens faith. With the battle barges, basic systems back online, the Maidens continued the search. As the maidens scoured the massive vessel. The ships name was discovered, and the bodies of the Space Marines stripped down ejected into space. Their war gear stripped for parts whatever being left being stored away and later traded for parts. They had no need for it and the sisters were surprised how many were acquiring broken parts of space marine armour. For a time, life abroad the battle barge proved hard. For many systems were an effort to keep up and running. However, after much hard work and lot of renting themselves out they slowly managed to acquire the things needed to fix essential systems, bolster their numbers taking in anyone who still believed in the god emperor. New recruits were few, but enough for the Maidens to continue their search and face the dangerous it threw at them. With new blood, the ideals of the Maidens slowly began to change. But their belief in the god-emperor and the search for his wills embodiment never faulted. The Maidens resolve unshakable. No hardship was too great no cost too high in order to find the embodiment of the god-emperors will. They would scour the galaxy a hundred times if needed. They would find it. [/hider] [hider=Canoness Ishitta Thamus, the end of the great search] By the time Ishitta had become Canoness another century passed for the Mourning Maidens. In the time, they established themselves on the battle barge. The ship becoming a symbol of the maidens on as they searched. Ishitta leading the maidens determined to find the embodiment. Ishitta guiding the Mourning Maids thought more hardship which hardened her resolve and made wished to see the order grow beyond the Redeemer of Worlds. To become a force that would no one dare challenged. One that could truly serve the embodiment of the god-emperors will. Several years into her time as Canoness, the redeemer entered the system of the newly formed Gregorian Impreium. Ishitta contacting the Emperor of this Impreium and arranged a meeting. Manifesto in hand Ishitta met with Gregori and to her surprise, he matched what few sections the Maidens had left on who the embodiment would be. Confident that this man was the one they had been searching for. At this discovered she fell to her knees and thanked the god emperor. At least the search was over. The Maiden could finally settle down and put down roots and grow. Explaining herself, she negotiated a deal and pledged her troops to Gregori. Although before she could finalize everything. Ishitta was called away. Her presence required the Redeemer. The Canoness extending an invitation to Gregori to come abroad her vessel in one day. So they could finalize and sign an agreement. The manifesto demanding all deals with Mourning Maidens be in writing. Ishitta returned to the Redeemer of worlds and spread the word. At long last, they had found the embodiment! Although happy about this Ishita still had a few minor doubts without the full manifesto it was impossible to know for sure until Gregori proved himself. The order was ecstatic about the news. Prayer where muttered with renewed vigour Ishitta keeping her doubts to herself. There was no need to burden the order with her scepticism. She would merely watch the emperor closely and judge his actions. The next day when Gregori came to finalize the deal. The second he stepped off the transport the entire order fell it to knees before him muttering prayers and praise to the god emperor. Only Ishitta remained standing, holding an agreement with everything they had agreed to already written down ready to be signed. Ishitta had already signed it. All Gregori had to do was the same. The moment he signed it Ishitta knelt before Gregori and swore the Order of Mourning Maidens to him. The Maidens proud be to once again be in the service of the god-emperor. The Maidens eager to prove themselves to Gregori. [/hider] [/hider] [u][i] Allegiance to Gregori:[/i] [/u] Ishitta believes, for the most part, Gregori is the Embodiment of the god-emperors will. Although is still slightly sceptical on the matter due to his policies on Xeno's and the fact it just her nature. For the moment, least while she decides if he really is the embodiment. She is more than willing to be in service him. As she strongly believes that in time he will prove her scepticism to be misplaced. [hider=Personal equipment:] Adepta Sororitas power armour Godwyn-De'az Pattern Bolt Gun Inferno Pistol Powersword. Frag Grenades. Rosarius [/hider] [/hider]