"I'm sorry, sir. We don't accept credit cards here," said Clarence. "IMPOSSIBLE!" said the man, "I was just here three days ago, and I had a credit card, and I bought some sodas. With the credit card." "You must be thinking of our other location, in the other part of City S. They accept credit there. But not here," replied Clarence as he pushed his cuticles back. "What? That's ridiculous!" exclaimed the man. "So are you. Now, are you going to pay in cash, or leave?" asked Clarence. Before the man could reply, Clarence's boss emerged from the back room, "there's an evacuation! Tiger!" He left without another word. Clarence blinked and the man he had just been talking to was gone too. He sighed and began walking towards his car. He quickly realized most people had already evacuated. Hopefully, his younger siblings had already gotten away. Then he saw it. The giant crab... thing. It was sailing through the air with jets of water. Straight towards the evacuating people... and his car! Clarence knew he was a hero, but come on, he could be expected to deal with that thing. Maybe if he tried reasoning with it...? He thought for a moment. Nope, not a good idea. What about shooting it? He had his hunting rifle stashed in his trunk. Nah, that wouldn't do. Well, maybe he could distract the monster, give people more time to evacuate and give better heroes more time to arrive and do their thing. Perhaps he could distract the monster and survive... now, that sounded like a good idea! He quickly made his way to his minivan and hopped in. He started the engine and then leaned out of the window. "Hey! Could you give me a car wash? There's gunk all over my windshield!" Clarence shouted. As soon as the monster fired his jets of water at him, he'd drive away as fast as possible and try to outmaneuver the crustacean monster.