[color=A9A9A9][center][B][H3]V E N T U S[/H3][/B][/center][hr][/COLOR] The day didn’t start any differently than most days for Geoffrey. He woke up and immediately focused air beneath his body so he’d float above his bed. He drifted out and into his apartment’s hallway, the walls were plain and the only furniture was his bed. He didn’t need any since he hardly ever touched the ground. Making his way into his kitchen his abilities went on auto-pilot and a pan was pulled from a cabinet, eggs emerged from the refrigerator and cereal and such began preparing themselves. All the while Geoff read a book about a spaceman hitchhiking his way through the galaxy. Geoff was also known as the Class S hero, Ventus. He was a physics professor by day and a hero by day and asleep by night. His day went rather normal until about the end of his 11-11:50 Tuesday class – Calculus. He taught a wide variety of mathematical and science classes at the university and many, almost all, of his students refused to call him ‘Professor Burr’ in favor of his hero name, Ventus. [center]~[/center] “A derivative is the slope at one point on a graph… Or, it is a slope tangent to a function.” There was a marker against the board squeaking away as the man spoke about the subject. It was drawing equations and graphs depending on what Burr said. Burr, floating in front of the board just a few inches above the ground, had his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics which assisted him in utilizing his powers to the optimal efficiency. “Now then, are there any questions?” He’d just explained the standard method to solve derivatives, the long way. His class of two-hundred-fifty students was silent. He took it as a cue to continue. The class went on like that for almost the entire period then Burr’s phone buzzed and the bell rang immediately afterward. The phone lifted itself off of his desk and made it’s way to his hand where he read the message to himself. “ATTENTION: THREAT LEVEL TIGER IN CITIES K, S, & T. ALL AVAILABLE HEROS RESPOND.” “I guess I’ll go then.” There was a group of students waiting at the door for him. He knew why, they wanted his autograph or to take a picture or something like that. They were likely in his fan club – that was the issue with being such a prominent hero… Fans always wanted your time. He quickly made his way to the window and flew out. [i][b]City S isn’t too far this way, I can get there within a few minutes…[/b][/i] [center]~[/center] He arrived to find a large crash site in the city center there was a sort of small craft in the center. He looked around because most around the 'pod' seemed relatively untouched. That was when he spotted the large monster using some sort of water ability to propel itslef toward the evacuation area. Toward the citizens. Ventus couldn't allow that. He shot toward the beast but could tell that he wasn't going to reach it in time to beat it to the building. He altered the alignment of the air molecules to allow his voice to carry and shouted. "Hey! Ugly! I, Ventus - Class S Hero Rank 12 - challenge you!" He braced himself incase it decided to heed his challenge.