"It's enough to give us some clues on our perpetrators' methodology," replied Toshiko, looking back down the hall. It was fairly clear to her that they were dealing with someone who had done this before, knowing where to place the ofuda to avoid magical reprisal and still move the walls to a different location wasn't something an unskilled amateur would be capable of doing. Or, for that matter, a first-time thief. And indeed, it ruled out a member of the Daidouji family being responsible for bypassing the defense spells, at least. After all, the Daidouji didn't practice onmyodo. "Given the Daidouji's habits, we can determine that they weren't responsible for breaching the defenses, at least." It was at this point that Yuuno chimed in. "I don't understand it, but don't you want to see where the vase was?" she asked, walking ahead and looking back at the detective and her employee. "Ah, of course, Yuuno-chan," replied Tokyo. Really, the young Daidouji girl [i]was[/i] quite cute. With that, she proceeded onward, and Toshiko followed. It wasn't much longer before they reached the room in which the vase was held. It was circular, with a pedestal in the center upon which a glass case sat. Right now, it was empty.