[@BlackBishop] Oh? I was thinking it would be quite the contrary, seeing how Hornfel is the laxest in terms of religious practice and even hosts what is essentially a foreign missionary preaching a foreign religion. Still, perhaps there could be 'distant respect', Hornfel if not being a very religious dwarf still showing the qualities that make a good dwarf, meaning loyalty, honesty and to always honor his word (Or at least when he can, try and make things right when he can't). So yes, bring back dwarven artifacts when he was adventuring and now maybe using his merchant contact to insure if any dwarf wants to go on a pilgrimage or such to the old lands they can do it safely with a caravan. BTW, his attitude toward religion would be something of live and let live, but since he tries to sway people to his view, he'd probably explain it to his eldest brother as "What worth has worship that is forced rather than honest? Giving people the freedom to chose and options to chose from only separates the true believers from the rest."