[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ4LjI4MjlmNi5UV0ZrWld3Z1FteDFaV1p2Y21RLC4wAAAA/elley.regular.png[/img][/center][u][color=0072bc][b][i]City A - Headquarters[/i][/b][/color][/u] One of the Special Committee heads, Madel Blueford, stood at the far end of the examination room where today's session of Exam Physicals were being held. She held a pen to the examination sheet that sat upon the clipboard in her hand - only one of the many sheets she had to fill for the day. Next to her was a stack of half-filled forms, waiting to be taken to where the written exams were held to be completed. Her eyes were lifted from her sheet, watching the band of mismatched weirdos that claimed to be heroes try to [i]prove[/i] that they had what it took to be an Association Hero. The sound of fast-approaching clicks of high heels caught the committee head's attention. "Ms Blueford, Ms [i]Blueford[/i]!" a young woman called out as she burst into the room, out of breath and panting. It was evident that the worker had sprinted into the physical exam room from the , her head covered in sweat and her suit crinkled from running. Over her arm hung the black chador of DreadLock, which indicated that something terrible was afoot outside. The young woman's hands fell to her knees, and she was panting hard when Madel approached her, a brow raised. "[color=0072bc]What is it?[/color]" she asked, ignoring the confused chatter of the potential heroes behind her. "[i]Threat... Tiger... Cities...[/i]" the woman panted as she extended DreadLock's tassled cloak toward Madel. There was no use in trying to get an answer out of this frazzled woman, Madel figured, judging by the woman's demeanour - not only was she puffed out, she looked [i]terrified[/i]. Madel turned back toward the now [i]overly-[/i]excited hero applicants, who seemed to think that [i]they[/i] could be the ones taking down whatever was outside. "[color=0072bc]The Entrance Exam has been [i]cancelled[/i][/color]," Madel announced, "[color=0072bc]but you [i]all[/i] are to stay inside the vicinity until further notice. That is all.[/color]" And with that, Madel turned, basically [i]shoving[/i] her semi-filled clipboard into the arms of the timid employee as she passed her to exit into the hallway. The click's of Madel's heels echoed through the large hallways as she briskly navigated through them, heading toward the nearest elevator. She was heading toward the facility's roof, where she could easily fly to any location she required to go - it was [i]much[/i] faster than driving. She pulled her radio from her pocket, pushing in her earpiece as she flicked through the radio channels; Committee... Z-Branch... That cute guy from H-Branch... [i][b]Director [/b][/i]. Eventually landing on the channel she wanted, Madel spoke through her radio: "[color=0072bc]What is it and where am I going?[/color]" One of the perks of being a committee head was having access to the Director's personal radio, that isn't even [i]on[/i] the masterlist of radio channels. As she walked, Madel pulled her cloak around her shoulders and pulled the hood up. Her red hair was steadily augmenting, already spilling out from the hood's front as she entered the elevator up. [hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjY2LmUxMGUyMS5SSEpsWVdSTWIyTnIuMAAAAAAA/latin-modern-mono.mmonotcond10-regular.png[/img][/center][u][color=ed1c24][b][i]City A - Headquarters' Roof[/i][/b][/color][/u] DreadLock, in place of Madel, stepped out from the elevator that she'd taken up to the top level of the building. DreadLock quickly made her way up to the stairwell that lead to the roof, making use of her prehensile to pull herself up the stairwell much faster (and with far less cardiac exhaustion). The cloaked woman burst outside, the one-way door locking her out when it slammed shut behind her. She made sure to keep her earpiece pushed firmly into her hear as she formed the hair that had spilled out from her hood into a shape that manifested wings upon her back. As she fluttered these wings, they did indeed lift her from the floor, her dainty feet slipping out from her heels - this was the most common way that DreadLock lost Madel's shoes, or they'd be jammed into one of many alien orifices. "[color=ed1c24]I'm heading for T,[/color]" she announced, launching herself from the Association's roof and flying into the direction of City T. [u][color=ed1c24][b][i]City T - Street[/i][/b][/color][/u] DreadLock floated above the roof of an apartment in the middle of City T, her hair-wings flittering to keep her feet from the ground. She glanced about, watching Citizens flee to the closest exit point, trying to pinpoint the location that they were running [i]from[/i]. Eventually, she flew against the stream of panicked citizens, stopping before a convenience store upon spotting the alien creature. [color=ed1c24][i][b]This[/b] is a Tiger-Level threat?[/i][/color] she thought, almost sounding as if she were disappointed that she flew all the way here for... For what appeared to just be a child in a lazy duck-costume. It skipped about aimlessly, occasionally ceasing it's humming to spurt childish nonsense like "[color=gold]play?[/color]" and "[color=gold]candy?[/color]" It was only when she looked toward the pod where it had originated, splattered in blood and joined by the semi-[i]liquefied[/i] body of a man, she realised that this wouldn't be an easy fight. A panicked scream ripped Dreadlock's attention back away from the alien's originating place, and to where the scream had originated. A woman, clutching her young child, had trapped herself and her child in an alley between two buildings. She was being steadily approached by the alien, it's arms extended as it repeated "[color=gold]play?[/color]" over and over. Without hesitating, DreadLock flew above the building and sent two tendrils of hair into the alleyway. She wrapped these tendrils about the two citizens, hastily pulling them up and away from the white creature, before gently placing them on the roof of the closest flat-top building. The creature, upon seeing his chosen victims be whisked away, angrily shrieked "[color=gold][b][i]PLAY![/i][/b][/color]" The shriek rang out through the entire city, alerting any nearby hero of the creature's location.