Mrs. Pickles was moderately successful. The crustacean dude, either amused, annoyed, or both, shot a stream of water at him. Clarence was able to dodge with relative ease... However, the water quickly accumulated underneath of Mrs. Pickles vehicle. Thanks to the wonders of hydroplaning, Mrs. Pickles was essentially a sitting duck. Mrs. Pickles grabbed his rifle and the enchanted box. He threw his cape on quickly, and hopped out of the vehicle. "Well! If I'm going to do this, it's not going to be without a fight! HAAAAA!!!!!" Mrs. Pickles fired his gun at the alien, screaming at the top of his lungs, ready to die in order to protect the city and the ones he loved. . . . . . . YEAH RIGHT! [img][/img] No, Mrs. Pickles was running like a prepubescent teenage girl to a Justin Bieber concert within seconds of getting out of that vehicle. The water pressure blasted the van to smithereens. Thank goodness for auto insurance. Despite his cowardice... ahem... What I meant to say was... thanks to Mrs. Pickles' level headed decision making, he had successfully created a distraction, granting some of the other heroes enough time to lend a hand.