[center][h2]Wolfbrother[/h2][/center] "Care to dance?" the woman asked him. She had been stalking him like his wolf-sisters often stalked deer in the wilds beyond, and he felt the hairs on his neck raise a bit every time he took notice of it. It made him uncomfortable, even if his more human, yet ironically natural, instincts told him she would be a fine mate for the night. "No, thank you. I'm waiting for someone, and it would not do to shy from this spot." he told her, giving a polite smile. He tried not to show his teeth. "Then I shall keep you company." she purred, sashaying over to him. Behind her, a gleeman twirled and juggled 13 mutli-colored balls of yarn as he simultaneously regailed passersby of the tale of Birgitte Silverbow and Gaidal Cain. Raufen was aware of almost all that transpired within the square due to his unnatural senses. The lavender aroma this woman carried next to him was nearly overwhelming. "Your are no' from here," she mused, her Illian accent showing. He shook his head, instinct warring with his better judgement as he tried not to scoot closer toward her. It was odd, to be so repelled yet intrigued all at once. She suddenly gasped, and pointed at the balcony above the courtyard. "Look!" she exclaimed, her eyes glinting as she glance to Raufen. "The Lord Haron!" The crowd cheered and the festivities heightened. He lifted his hood ever so slightly, his fierce gaze set upon the three High born that now presented themselves before the crown. He guessed they were here to make the big announcement. He could not wait to be out in the wilds once more once this announcement was over with. It felt far too crowded in here. The woman next to him saw him raise his hood slightly, and she tilted her head as she watched him. "Such eyes..." He wasn't sure if she was fascinated or wary, at least yet.