Magic annoyed Orchid sometimes. While he was thankful for Parum's magic making it easier for him to hit the drake, the human healing the same drake bothered him. These kobolds were starting to get annoying as well. And while the drake was obviously the biggest threat, Orchid was somewhat smart enough to know that the kobolds were fighting as a pack, and as long as they were still around they would help the drake and the human strike them. Snarling at his enemies Orchid looked as though he was going to take another hack at the drake, but his swing instead went towards the kobold to his side, though it was such a wild slash that it was hard to tell even for Orchid if his blow would connect or not. [hider=Rolls] Current HP: 12/14 Attack Rolls w/Advantage - [url=]12[/url]/[url=]11[/url] Damage w/Rage - [url=]9[/url] [/hider]