[@Fetzen] The man speaking up drew Alenios' attention. It was a human, not a vampire, though to be honest, there probably were more non-vampires than vampires here in court right now. He didn't dislike it, but he felt it was odd that there were less vampires in the capital of a city where the three leaders of the vampires resided, but now his attention was drawn towards the pale human before. He looked with a bit of interest at him, before speaking to the man in a courteous tone. [color=9e0b0f]"Good sir, I understand that you feel the need to speak, but here is something of the utmost importance of Nocturne, which, no offense, but is of more importance than your current desires right now."[/color] he said to the man in a courteous tone, more than the man deserved to be spoken to, but he had to maintain his good appearances in court here. despite the fact that he had just spoken on Amelia's behalf... something which undoubtedly angered quite a few of the dukes there as they were of a higher rank than him, yet here was a count speaking on behalf one of the elders... it was an entertaining thought nevertheless. [hr] [hr] He was among the first to be in the center of the rebel stronghold and the defenders had just been alerted to their presence. Bolts began to be fired upon them and the few that climbed up and soldiers rushed towards them as they became alert to their presence. Alenios only grinned as the first soldier came up to him and swung his sword to claim his long life. Just a moment later, the man's head had been taken clear off by him. He watched with pleasure as blood started to spurt from the wound before another man descended on him. Each and every man that attacked him and every man that he attacked would die just a second later. He swung his sword with the expertise of a professional warrior, but with the bloodlust of a lycan. He was a truly savage being indeed, he relished in all the fighting and the thrill it gave him to kill humans who would oppose the vampires and the elders, these foolish humans thought they had a chance at victory... the fighting now clearly had shown that no human was able to oppose a vampire in combat. But then... he heard the inhuman howls and turned to see the lycans coming out. He then heard Amelia's orders to take the monsters there head on... and as if it was his own brain commanding, he roared and charged straight into the maws of the lycans with a grin on his face. The first lycan, swung it's paw in an attempt to kill him, but he chose to dodge it just enough for the hit not to land before decapitating the lycan himself. Now, for him, fighting was a blur. He killed anything that chose to stay in his path, no matter if it was human or lycan... he would kill it. But then, he saw something which nearly drove him into a complete blood-rage... a lycan had been able to hit Amelia and knock her back. His nostrils flared in anger as he charged towards the lycan who had dared to harm her, but another jumped in between him and his target and had been able to knock his sword out of his hands. A human might have been killed right now, but he was a vampire and he was very angry. So... without a moments hesitation, he jumped on the lycan, punching and tearing at it until he made sure it would never bother him again. With baring fangs, his eyes rose to see that Amelia had killed the beast that had assaulted her. Seeing that the siege was now dying down, he took a deep breath to calm himself down as he retrieved his own sword. With that, he walked to Amelia's side, he was her bodyguard, he would not let any harm come to her ever again even if meant that he had to take the blows coming towards him. [hr] [hr] With a shake of his head, the court came back into sight, his mind had momentarily slipped into his own memories, during his one and only failure to protect Amelia. He also realized that his smile was not present anymore and smiled again at the man who had spoken up. He needed to maintain his appearance... after all, doubtless that nobody would like him if they saw what he did during the siege of Prague.