As the meeting progressed, issues were discussed and discarded once a solution was made regarding them. They were handled in a professional manner as they usually were conducted accordingly in a major city. Amiartys smiled at the sleeping Arielle, who had yet to be disturbed by the higher council members for her sleeping as she is so commonly known for doing on her rare presence to council meetings. He could not wait to see the look on her face when she would be awoken from her peaceful slumber to a boring meeting. However, as time passed, the young, dusty boy was growing all the more impatient. Commodry tried to remain quiet and relaxed but for the love of his inflamed youth, the boy could not be still. Amiartys finally had enough of it. [color=bc8dbf]"What's wrong? Why are you moving around so much?"[/color] Amiartys asked the boy, demanding an immediate answer. [color=7ea7d8]"I hav' ta go ta bat'room."[/color] Commodry admitted, looking at Amiartys, as if to ask him for permission. [color=bc8dbf]"Not yet, remember? Just wait for another break next session before excusing yourself."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"But aye' hav' ta go!"[/color] The boy demanded as he lightly stomped his leather boots against the concrete floor of the halls. [color=bc8dbf]"Your loss, you should have known that before coming here. What did you expect coming here?"[/color] Amiartys replied jokingly to himself as he was not serious. He was hoping to hear the boy beg to the point of being in tears before sending him on his way. Though before admitting himself to the helpless boy, his eyes darted to the sight of the large, pale man that drew his attention earlier to see that he was walking towards him. Amiartys didn't really quite know what to make of it. Was he a German, astray from his land in order to fight for the side of Nocturne? Amiartys already knew plenty of mercenaries who had easily defected in exchange a pouch of coins as it was not uncommon to run into such normal men, but he wasn't most [i]normal[/i] men. Perhaps this stranger knew him from somewhere? He [i]was[/i] known for dealing with raiders in the north though that was many years ago and this man couldn't be an age over forty not to mention he had never seen the likes of such a man before in his "long" 120 years of life. Commodry stared as this large and strange man as he approached, all the more terrified with every step the man took towards them. [color=bc8dbf]"You'll be fine, Commodry."[/color] Amaritys tried to mitigate the boy's fear and stood directly aside of him just in case s if to reassure the boy. [color=7ea7d8]"Um. Aye' dun' hav to go to tha' bat'room anymore..."[/color] He admitted apologetically. Amiartys then grew furious and exchanged a look with the frightened young man. [i]Here, boy!? Of all places?[/i] He wanted to shout at the boy and slap him in the council hall. His eyes widened for a brief second, almost venting his anger onto the boy with his eyes alone. Commodry then immediately looked away as he recognized the look Amiartys gave him whenever he did something wrong. His face then flushed before giving a sheepish smile as he looked up at the giant man as he approached the Northern Swordsmen. Amiartys took a deep breath to relax before looking towards the strange man walking up the stairs, getting closer to them. [color=fff200]"Hello there."[/color] greeted the behemoth of a man, his voice deep and relaxed. Despite this large appearance seemed friendly judging by his tone, or at least he conditioned himself to come off that way. Yet some part of Amiartys struck him as an overconfident soldier though he had almost every right to be. The man was large and looked as if he could crush a man's head like a grape if we wanted to which is why Amiartys thought that if he were to ever project any sort of amiable approach towards others, it wouldn't be sincere. Though something about him seemed very much human the moment he spoke, even if he didn't appear that way on the outside. Before listening to what he had to say next, the large man was subtly rebuked by the Bloody Count Alenios standing just a few feet away from him, courteously refusing the man to speak on a particular manner the giant had so eagerly wanted to mention, if he had had anything worth mentioning. [i]A Count speaking on behalf of an Elder?[/i] Amiartys thought to himself, [i]perhaps this will be a rather interesting meeting after all.[/i] Though the way the Count had responded was rather interesting to Amiartys, as if he were trying to protect her from this man who had just introduced himself. Amiartys had always known the Bloody Count for being rather protective to his Elder, though never quite seeing for himself since the Siege of Prague and now at the council meeting. He had almost forgotten how loyal and protective he was, Amelia was fortunate to have a soldier like him on her side. There was a painfully awkward silence that followed shortly after as Dukes and nobles of the higher classes became either unhinged or entertained by what the Count had just said. [color=bc8dbf]"Salve, young man."[/color] Amiartys interrupted amiably, veiling the social mask of a well-balanced man who had not just been told that by his apprentice of awkward nature of this predicament. With a wave of his hand, Amiartys signaled the man to come over. Suddenly from behind him, just to his right, Mycandros, his trusted silver-haired vampire guard who had been by his side for forty years drew his sword slightly from his blade four inches from his scabbard the moment the large man turned to them again. It was a sharp, menacing, and familiar noise that echoed throughout the hall, drawing not only potential bloodshed, but attention from those around the group. Though he was tallest among the Northern Swordsmen who often stood tall even among tall men - was easily dwarfed by the giant standing before them. Mycandros was a loyal, experienced companion like Alenio was to Amelia, even perhaps one of the most loyal person Amiartys had ever worked with in his 120 years though despite this, he was well-known for being quite over-protective and therefore needed to be reminded otherwise. [color=bc8dbf]"Mycandros.[/color] he looked down and smiled amiably before turning his fully head towards Mycandros [color=bc8dbf]"If you could please keep your hand away from that handle you are holding so very... [i]Delicately[/i] in your right hand."[/color] He ordered politely. In return, the vampire bodyguard slowly let go of his long-sword [i]Bellica[/i], as the loyal guard called "her", his leather gloves releasing the handle of his sword, dropping the ivory sword of his forefathers he had so long carried in his strong, pale hands back into its dragon-decorated long scabbard. [color=bc8dbf]"Grazie."[/color] Amiartys gracefully said before turning his head back to the man that was over three heads above himself, he had to look up considerably high just to talk to make eye contact. [color=bc8dbf]"I do apologize for him, it's not common that we should to see a man such as yourself who isn't entirely hostile to us. I hope I don't mean to offend."[/color] He smiled apologetically before turning his head briskly to the right in the direction of Mycandros and turning back to see the large man once again. [color=bc8dbf]"I am Amiartys, the leader of the newly formed and thirty-year-old mercenary company known as the Northern Swordsmen. Why don't you come over and sit with us, I'm sure the Count would not mind, would you dear old Alenios? Now to who do I have the honor of speaking to, my endearing young man?"[/color] [@Claw2k11][@Fetzen]