[center][color=39b54a][h1]Robert Moore[/h1][/color][i]Interacting with [@Kyrisse] [@Wick] [@Spinosaurus][/i][/center] Robert twitched a little at the sound of someone dropping stuff in the box. He turned to see a dying person drop in some of their stuff with trembling hands, and he struggled not to choke or break down immediately. His trembling had gotten much worst. He was pretty sure it was visible to anyone who looked at him for more than a few moments. His face was much more pinched now, his shoulders hunched defensively. He met eyes with the dying person and reached over to cover those shaking hands with his own. [color=39b54a]"I'm sorry..."[/color] was all that he could manage. He bit back the torrent of apologies that threatened to spill out of his mouth as the person managed a pained smile as they gasped. Tears began to spill from his eyes. Startled, he let go one hand to quickly start scrubbing at his eyes. He didn't even know this person's name. This person was dying and he was powerless. It was so unfair! He knew for sure there were selfish assholes who would survive, so why was it the nice ones had to die too! It was even worse, because he knew that to stay here and hold the hand of a dying person so they wouldn't have to die alone would cause the deaths of at least a few others. [color=39b54a]"I'm so sorry..."[/color] he whispered, and made himself let go. He locked eyes with the dying person as he moved away, and went to rescue another. His eyes continued to seek out the person by the box, and he could see that the person by the box was looking at him too, until he was too far away to make out their expression. When he returned, the person had already gone still and limp. He was standing near the box, dazed, when the woman from before dropped some more items in the box. Behind her was some strange tall and skinny man. She was clearly frustrated and emotional, and there was something off about her, she went past him still growling at the man. He turned to follow her with his eyes just in time to see her begin to sway. At this point in time, the other person who had talked to him earlier brushed past him. The man was staggering with every step, and didn't look too good. His face was reddish, his skin was reddish, and suddenly Robert was worried about heatstroke. Oddly enough, he was still mostly fine, and perhaps it had something to do with the face mask he'd made. Perhaps he should have offered one to the Asian man earlier. He glanced back at the woman, and then back at the man who clearly intended to keep on working until he collapsed. He strode towards the man and grabbed his arm. The man felt like a furnace. There was no way this guy could keep going. [color=39b54a]"Stop. You can't help anyone if you collapse."[/color] He fumbled in his dry-bag and shoved a wet camp towel into one hand and stuck another over the man's head. Considering the man's current state, he decided he'd at least make sure he made it inside. If he collapsed and hit his head... [color=39b54a]"Cover your face, get some water, and rest inside. I don't want to have to drag you in later."[/color] He recalled the way the man had staggered and the man's body temperature, then glanced at the people collapsed around the entryway. He reaffirmed that the healthier one was the priority. He'd see to it that this person made it to wherever they were planning to go and made a mental note to go get water for all the rescuers. Not everyone had done as he had, and covered their face and head to protect from the air and the sun. He positioned himself to offer the man his shoulder and looked at the lanky man next to the collapsed woman. [color=39b54a]"Bring her inside too. Wet towels are in my bag."[/color]