[center][img]http://image.prntscr.com/image/90c925c0e6d24cedadd78f412d735443.png[/img] [img]http://image.prntscr.com/image/7dd93e2e3d05420690d439abcb5ff54b.png[/img] [img]http://image.prntscr.com/image/4ab4f3ef83ac4b02909a4254eda5806c.png[/img][hr][hr][color=fff2d3][h1]Lʏᴅɪᴀ Xɪᴏɴɢ[/h1][/color][/center] It hadn't seemed like a year since they had been in the bunker. Lydia sat, her petite body so calmly in a chair with her legs crossed at the ankles. Her lips were slightly pouted as she listened to the bunker commander's voice. [b]"A year ago all 154 of us were thrust into a position to try and save the human race. I'm not sure if we can actually do that. There isn't enough food to feed everyone for more than a few days. That being said we are opening the bunker doors."[/b] An uproar occurred as plenty of people spoke of their mixed emotions of this action. Lydia piped up in her seat, her legs uncrossing as her feet now planted firmly on the bunker floor. Lydia listened and examined everyone as the conversation in the bunker continued. Why were people so upset. If they wanted to stay in the bunker so be it. If the world outside was complete shit, then at least it would take us away from this hell zone. Lydia chuckled to herself as the commander finished their speech. Though she was respectful of every one, she almost felt bad. That would be a terrible job; announcing to everyone that they were bound to die quickly. As the doors began to open, Lydia was taken aback by the state of the world that she had once been a part of. She began coughing, losing her breath in the gasp. People around her had began dropping like flies in piles of human flesh. They weren't strong enough for coming back into this world. The woman felt a sting in her throat as her coughing end. She had little to no interest in picking these fallen members of the bunker back up. She knew this was a dog eat dog world, and most people would step on you than pick you back up. She wasn't heartless, just realistic to herself. It was probably one of the reasons she had lasted so long. Some of her fellow bunkmates began to move weak survivors in, and that was Lydia's breaking point. She didn't want to be so responsible all the time. She wanted to be those people that didn't care about a single person in the world; but she couldn't stand it in the end. A big sigh escaped from her lips before she let out a few swear words. [i]I'm here to help as well."[/i] she acknowledges to no one in particular, but relevant to say to an adviser. She begin helping where she fell fit [hr] [center][i][@King Tai][@Wick][@Aeternum][@RumikoOhara][@Kyrisse][@Kyrisse][@Spinosaurus][/i][/center]