[color=Olive] [center][b][h1]Lana Creed[/h1][/b] [Img]http://i917.photobucket.com/albums/ad11/myandrallene/Character%20Gifs/1_zpsmrk4oalc.gif[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx9TFVywQng[/youtube] [/center] [center][b][h3]~General information~[/h3][/b][/center] [b]Name[/b] Lana Creed [b]Age[/b] 23 [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Place of Origin[/b] Chicago, Illinois [b]Species[/b] Supernatural Huntress [b]Appearance[/b] [center] [img]https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4032/4308824767_a041893f8c_o.jpg[/img] [/center] [center][b][h3]~Relationship Information~[/h3][/b][/center] [center][img]http://i917.photobucket.com/albums/ad11/myandrallene/Character%20Gifs/4_zpsfenlthsy.gif[/img][/center] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single [b]Sexuality:[/b] Unknown - She falls in love with someone's heart, not with what's in their pants. [b]Partner:[/b] None [b]Pet/s:[/b] None [b]Other:[/b] She is descended from Corann as his granddaughter, though has never met him. [center][b][h3]~Personal Information~[/h3][/b][/center] [Center][Img]http://i917.photobucket.com/albums/ad11/myandrallene/Character%20Gifs/3_zpsqkdbcb8m.gif[/img][/center] [b]Personality:[/b] Lana has two sides to her, though is far from having a split personality. She has a "business" side that most people see, and a "her" side that she'll expose should she feel comfortable enough in a situation. Lana's "business" side is a very hardened, tough exterior that goes well with her determination when it comes to getting something done, no matter the cost. She is a girl of results, finding no better satisfaction in completing a job and getting payed well for it. The jobs she takes, however, is far from legal in the eyes of the regular human world, but it doesn't stop her advances in the least. She herself has quite a few mixed emotions when it comes to the Supernatural world, however when it comes to the job she has been hired for, she puts her own beliefs aside for the prospect of getting paid. Lana has stalked, broken into places, destroyed private property, injured and even killed Supernaturals to see ends meet, and though when showcasing this particular side of her it seems that it doesn't bother her, nothing could be further from the truth. On the rare occasion when she can just be herself, Lana is a social butterfly with a spunky, flirty personality. She is oftentimes referred to as the life of the party and when she doesn't have any jobs lined up for her, she has no problems finding things to do on her own, always with some kind of booze in her system. Overall, Lana is fierce and determined with a fire lit in her soul that keeps her going, no matter what. She's brave beyond what any normal human could be and has an extremely hard time opening up about herself to other people. Her position in life has made her a very paranoid individual, always believing that someone has a motive against her should she show the slightest amount of weakness. [b]Abilities:[/b] Supernatural Hunters, also known as Supernatural Huntresses or Hunters for short, are humans who are endowed with supernatural abilities to hunt and kill Supernaturals (Vampires, Werewolves, Witches and so on) through magical means. They are considered a supernatural species despite being humans and reside in The Other Side when they die. It is unknown if Lana has inherited any of her grandfather's abilities. [i][u]Hunter's Mark:[/u][/i] Lana possesses a mystical tattoo known as the hunter's mark located on her right arm. In its incomplete form, the mark is invisible to all save for fellow supernatural hunters or potential hunters. In its complete form, the mark is visible to all and in it is the map and key Lana doesn't quite understand along with the story of the first immortal depicted on its symbols. Supposedly, the map leads to The Cure for immortality and a few other areas of note that a Huntress would need to know about. Lana's mark expands every time she kills a Supernatural and will appear whenever a fellow Hunter or Huntress dies. The tattoo is an indicator on any Hunter where their level of skill is in terms of hunting Supernaturals. [i][u]Hunter's Curse:[/u][/i] Supernatural Hunters have the ability to inflict powerful and extremely realistic hallucinations onto vampiric beings who kill them. Once struck, the curse will consume said victim, tormenting them until they are driven to kill themselves. The only known way to lift the curse is to activate a potential hunter, by allowing them to kill their first vampiric creature (whether a vampire or a hybrid) and grow the Hunter's Mark. [i][u]Peak Physical Condition:[/u][/i] Supernatural Hunters possess bodily functions that are enhanced to the pinnacle of human conditioning. [i][u]Peak or above Human Strength:[/u][/i] Supernatural Hunters possess superior strength that makes them stronger than humans but below that of newborn vampires. That said, they can still hold themselves in a fight. It is unknown if they are stronger than werewolves in human form, but Lana has been able to hold her own against a few in her life. [i][u]Peak Human Speed:[/u][/i] Supernatural Hunters possess peak-human speed, though it is unknown if they are superhuman. They are shown to be able to draw their weapons quickly and are fast enough to catch vampires by surprise before they can react. [i][u]Peak Human Stamina:[/u][/i] Supernatural Hunters possess peak-human stamina. This is not largely controllable and often occurs as a burst of energy within a Hunter, but they can run for dozens of miles and not lose breath and can physically exert themselves at peak capacity for several hours without resting before showing signs of fatigue. [i][u]Peak Human Endurance:[/u][/i] Supernatural Hunters can endure more physical stress than the average person. They can tolerate large amounts of physical pain such as being shot, stabbed repeatedly, burned with high heat, and beatings than that of an ordinary person. They can remain calm through stressful and painful situations, can tolerate extreme hunger, unbearable thirst and the strong urge to sleep. [i][u]Peak Human Reflexes:[/u][/i] Supernatural Hunters possess peak-human reflexes. They have demonstrated superior reaction time to those of humans and can dodge offensive attacks, evade strikes from beings with super speed and dodge multiple gunfire with ease, though not fast enough to contend with the Original Vampires. [i][u]Invulnerable Mind:[/u][/i] Upon activation, a Supernatural Hunter's mind becomes immune to all mental intrusions. This includes an Immortal's advanced psychic powers, compulsion by Vampires, Hybrids and Original Vampires, and Spirit Possession by Witches. [b]Skills:[/b] [i][u]Social Prowess:[/u][/i] With her day job, Lana has learned really quick how to become a people person and how to make people she doesn't even care about feel good and even make them laugh. Even if she doesn't mean it, she can put up quite a convincing front that can leave you to believe that she is your best friend and will always be there for you. [i][u]Bartender:[/u][/i] Only having been legal to drink for a few years, Lana managed to land herself a bar tending job where the tips are great, the excuse to be a night owl is there, and sometimes even the drinks are free. She can mix up any sort of drink that comes her way and if it isn't something she knows, she learns it. [i][u]Accurate:[/u][/i] Quite comfortable with her bartender life, Lana spends quite a bit of time in both her bar and others which gave her a lot of time to learn games like darts, pool and beer pong. Being an active participant, even when on the job, Lana has developed a honed skill of accuracy, able to nail a bullseye or sweep an entire rack of cups if she ever so feels like she needs to prove a point. [b]Biography:[/b] Lana was born into a very normal, only child life. She went to school, played with friends, participated in school activities and sports games and even got on the honor roll... once. Everything was fine until one day, Lana had a passing thought that her mother seemed to be aging much faster than her father. In fact... it didn't appear as though her father had aged at all from as far back as she could remember. Hesitatingly, Lana approached her parents who gave each other worried looks before sitting her down and telling her something Lana didn't think she could ever believe in. Her father was the son of a Supernatural - a half Druid and half Guardian. After explaining what that meant, exactly, and hearing stories of this supposed grandfather of hers that she never met, her father then went on to explain that some of her grandfather's traits passed down into him and her uncle - most notably a prolonged life. When she asked about why she had never even heard of her grandfather before now, her father then went on to explain that he himself had not seen his father in decades - that he had put himself into a Druid Sleep to overcome the pain of having met his wife again in a different life. Confused, and also angry, Lana didn't want to hear any more and left to clear her head. It was on that very night that she was approached by a man, seemingly a tweaker, who was begging her for a release. Repulsed, and even just a bit scared, even, Lana ran, but the tweaker was fast - much faster than he should have been - and caught up to her, pinning her against the wall. He began to threaten her, begged her to kill him, and bared his fangs. Stunned, and unsure of just what the hell was going on, the man pulled out a dagger and pressed it to his own chest before grabbing her hand to wrap around the hilt and between the both of them, plunged it into his chest. Only knowing years later that she had helped to rid a vampire of a curse a Supernatural Hunter had placed upon him, Lana's task of becoming a Supernatural Hunter of her own appeared that night in the form of a small tattoo on her right arm, having killed her first vampire. When returning home and telling her parents everything that had happened, they worriedly sent her away to a "school" for Supernatural Hunters such as herself, as they were incapable of being able to teach her anything more than a cat would. So Lana spent a good handful of years with strangers, learning how to use these new abilities and to turn her body into a weapon. She has since gone out to find people who have certain needs... certain Supernaturals they no longer want in their lives, and collects a bounty for it. She took on a side job as a bartender to keep suspicions away and to pay the bills when the Supernatural business gets kind of dull. She knows that this isn't what a Supernatural Hunter is supposed to do, but she can't really see herself using her abilities any other way. Part of it she thinks (though will never admit) stems from anger upon a grandfather she has never met who put this on her family. Another part is that she is simply confused and really has no sense of direction. Whatever it is, it keeps her going and learning. She really can't see herself doing anything else. [center][img]http://i917.photobucket.com/albums/ad11/myandrallene/Character%20Gifs/2_zpsujfjmydg.gif[/img] [/center] [/color]