[i]Clack. Clack. Clack.[/i] Bedazzled heels loudly clacked against the park's pavement, turning heads of teens toward the origin of the noise. Wavy strawberry blond strands dancing in the air and a playful wink was all it took for easy preys to fall under the spell of Ruby, the charismatic little devil. Walking confidently towards the Pokemon contest line with the cutest bright smile she could manage, the male crowd moved out of her and Berry's (her Sylveon) way, as if to make way for her to reach the registration desk. Just as she was about to reach the end of the now shortened line, her heel turned instead towards the fountain. The confused crowd of people who made way for her whispered amongst themselves, wondering if she wasn't signing up after all. Boy were they wrong. [color=salmon]"Hey, all of you here in the contest line, could you hear me~?"[/color] The girl in the flashy yet beautiful dress, ornamented with frilly petticoat, ribbons, and flowers, now stood on the edge of the fountain with her hands gesturing that she was shouting over at the crowd of people. Catching the eyes of the people who stood in line, whether it be confused teens thinking this was part of the welcoming committee or people who were bored in line and had nothing better to do, Ruby smiled satisfyingly. [color=salmon]"Good, now that I have all your attention on me, I'll make a declaration right here and now~!"[/color] Flashing a peace sign with a wink and her tongue peeking out at the corner of her lip, a typical idol gesture, she then gleefully giggled behind her hand. Ruby pointed her finger towards the crowd and raised her voice for all to hear her declaration of war, [color=salmon]"I, Ruby, will be the next top Pokemon coordinator in the land and I declare all of you as my rivals~! For people who are just gonna spectate the contests, all of your support for me and my partner, Berry, will be very much appreciated, ehe~"[/color] Berry was at the background the whole time, using her [i]Fairy Wind[/i] to cause sparkling pink trail around her owner for the super cute effect. ..... That caused a commotion among the contest registrants, whether it be of glares of daggers, eyes gleaming with challenge or lovestruck teenagers. Acting as innocent as possible, Ruby skipped back towards the line with Berry trailing behind her.