[centre][b][h1][color=fff200]Callie[/color][/h1][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Location:[/b] Carson City, Callie's shop [b]Time and Date[/b] 13th of March 2017, 0900[/centre] [hr][hr] Callie walked with an easy confidence that she probably wouldn't have had even a few months ago, turning into her little store, she unlocked the door and slid inside, turning the closed sign to open, she looked around it, still quite amazed that it was [i]hers[/i]. The store had quite a unique [url=https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7441/11820510635_25502dc882_b.jpg]register[/url], the walls were stocked with "Potions" (Some of course were authetnic, and did actually work, most humans tended to buy them however merely for design ideas), and herbs, shelves in the middle of the room held charms, and other assorted items. And it was all hers. She wouldn't have been able to picture it, not after being kicked out of the coven, if it hadn't been for Caius, she would probably be...well that didn't bode thinking about. She didn't think she could ever tell him that she had seen two futures for herself. The one she was now living, and the other, darker one. She'd been graced with a vision, that even now haunted her. But it hadn't happened. And she owed that all to Caius. Dropping her bag under the counter, Callie set up her till, and went over her inventory, making sure everything was how she left it, she was soon ready for business. While she waited for customers, Callie made up a few potions, a couple of charms. Lately, with heavy rumors filling the air of war in the supernatural community, she had taken to creating potions and charms that she could stock pile, just in case they needed it. With her ever growing abilities-and in the recent months they had seemed to continue to grow, Callie found herself constantly learning-she would try and protect as many people as she could. She wasn't a fool, she knew that she was rather...delicate, being a witch, particularly when compared against supernatural creatures such as Cauis and his sister Claudia, or any of the vampires, kitsune, angels, druids and more that came through her store on occassion. But she knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she did nothing while people died. So she had her shop. And she stocked piled things that would be useful. The bell on the door rang. Callie looked up, and smiled. A customer. How lovely. Rising, she approached them, ready to serve. [centre][b][h1][color=orchid]Madison[/color][/h1][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Location:[/b] Carson highschool [b]Date and time:[/b] 13th of March 2017, 0900[/centre] [hr][hr] Madison Burke was late to school. Again. She hurried down the street, one shoe tied up, the other threatening to slip every time her foot went to leave the ground, hair half in a pony tail it bounced along as she ran, already dressed in her PE gear, having suspected that she would be late. Madison just couldn't seem to get moving-at times it just felt that something was sapping her energy. The young woman had had a lot happen toher recently, and she wore a shirt that covered her shoulder completely, where a bite mark was visible, faded but still there. She didn't want any unnecessary questions. Running into the school, she hurriedly signed in, and made her way to the gym, not bothering to drop her bag off at her locker, her feet pounded on the hallway floor as she rounded the corner, skidding slightly, and contineud out the doors and to the gym building, not even panting slightly, although she did have a bit of a sweat going. She brushed a loose strand of hair out her eyes, and licked dry lips, her brown eyes a light with a hidden joy. She was made to run. The light faded as she entered the gym, having slowed her pace to a walk, she tried to open the doors silently and slip in unnoticed, dropping her bag by the door, she slunk towards her class, keepign her head down, hoping that the teacher wouldn't notice her if she didn't look up.