[hider=Sasha Belov][center][h2]The Outsider[/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/X6A4rWp.gif[/img][/center] [b][color=#5F755E]Character name:[/color][/b] [color=#dfe3de]Sasha Belov[/color] [b][color=#5F755E]Age:[/color][/b] [color=#dfe3de]35[/color] [b][color=#5F755E]Height/Weight:[/color][/b] [color=#dfe3de]6'8"/ 265 Ibs[/color] [color=#5F755E][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] [color=#dfe3de]Russian[/color] [b][color=#5F755E]Personality:[/color] [/b][color=#dfe3de]Described as intense and driven, Sasha is not a guy you want to make an enemy of. He's intelligent, level headed, collected, and when he sees fit, unnaturally cold. With the heart of a soldier, Sasha will stop at nothing to complete a task he's set his mind on. His sheer will and determination make him a valuable ally. He has a cool nature and a steady demeanor. His outer appearance is typically calm; it takes a lot to get him riled up. The softer side of Sasha isn't something many people get to see. For one, he doesn't have many people to show it to, outside of his very small friend circle. Afraid of getting too close to other people, lest he be jaded, Sasha doesn't associate with others a whole lot. But when he's decided that you're his friend, a warmer, gentler giant begins to emerge. He values close bonds above all else, making his friends the most important things in his life. He doesn't have many, but those he does have, he'd protect with his life. [/color] [b][color=#5F755E]Skills:[/color][/b][color=#dfe3de] Your usual military training applies. He's proficient with most guns, but is particularly skilled at hand to hand combat. Has been known for one punch knock outs. He also has some experience in leadership.[/color] [b][color=#5F755E]Appearance:[/color][/b] [color=#dfe3de]Sasha is a very large man. He stands four inches short of seven feet tall, solidly built and muscular. He has pale skin and dirty blonde hair that is kept in a neat buzz cut. His eyes are a gray-ish blue, and cold as ice. He wears mostly old military pants and shirts, in drab green and tans.[/color] [b][color=#5F755E]Power:[/color][/b] [color=#dfe3de]Being a literal giant could be considered his power.[/color] [b][color=#5F755E]Abilities:[/color][/b][color=#dfe3de] He has a definite height advantage. He has enhanced strength, able to bench press just over one ton.[/color] [b][color=#5F755E]Weakness:[/color][/b] [color=#dfe3de]As you can imagine, being the size of a Buick comes with certain disadvantages. He sticks out like a sore thumb among normal people, he needs about twice as many calories as everyone else, and as far as running goes, he's pretty slow. Also, bullets and knives.[/color] [b][color=#5F755E]Extra or Miscellaneous information[/color] [/b][color=#dfe3de]Sasha speaks with a Russian accent. He speaks several European languages fluently, Russian and English being his best of course.[/color] [color=#5F755E][b]History: [/b][/color][color=#dfe3de]Sasha grew up in Kazan, Russia. His mother overdosed when Sasha was 5. He was left to be raised by his father, who fell into depression after the loss of his wife. His father wasn't the kindest, and often times was abusive. After Sasha's mother had died, he had essentially lost interest in being a father. He would often invite his loud and obnoxious friends over to watch soccer games, drink, and play poker while Sasha hid in his room and pretended not to exist. Sasha wanted to get out of the house as soon as he could, and joining the military seemed like the best option. However, Sasha had something of an authority issue when he was younger. His father's poor job of raising him had turned him into a rebellious punk. After six years of service, Sasha slowly lost some of that punk kid attitude. He was eventually promoted to a second lieutenant and given his own, small platoon. They were deployed to Ukraine, where Sasha and his men were given orders that went against his own set of personal morals. When he refused to carry them out, he was threatened with everything in the book: treason, discharge, prison, the works. Instead, he just quit. Sasha and several of his men went AWOL. What he's been doing with his life since then is anyone's guess. Rumors of him leading a rag tag group of mercenaries on worldwide exploits have gone around. But that doesn't really matter anymore, does it? He was in the States when the asteroid hit, and was one of about a hundred people to survive within a shelter in the southeast. Recently, that shelter was infiltrated and destroyed by a wandering group of vicious looters. How he survived and got all the way out to the Bunker is yet to be discovered.[/color] [center][img]http://i65.tinypic.com/16gbhx3.gif[/img][/center][/hider]