[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Ot3Eg7Bm.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]The Luak Tae Hegemony[/h2][/center][hr][hr] 3489, Llyrian Calender, 7 years since the fall of the Empire [i]The Luak Tae Hegemony issued the follow encoded sub-space message to members of the Galactic Council...[/i] >encrypting message authorization code >...checking origin [color=red]CLASSIFIED[/color] >decrypting... [color=mediumseagreen] [i]Ministry of Galactic Affairs issued the following message in 47 different dialects and languages via sub-space encryption, to all members of the Galactic Council... ...recommends the following locations for the next joined council meeting of Unity Accord signing members. The Luak Tae survey analysis has has investigated 27 unique, uninhabited worlds and found three suitable worlds. In an effort to better solidify relations between UA signatory nations, the Luak Tae extends a hand of peace and concordance and offers a diplomatic meeting on one of the following worlds. UA members are encouraged to recommend a suitable world for future meetings. All save one of the recommended planets are in neutral space... [/i] [i][b]Parsefon[/b] An old Llyrian research site. The gravitational field of a nearby black-hole is such that time is distorted slightly when present on the planet. Relative to the rest of the galaxy, persons present on Parsefon experience little to no aging, or temporal passing. In addition, the concentration of gravity wells in the sector allow for advanced warning of any approaching ships via FTL.[/i] [b]Irobim[/b] [i]This small moon of a much larger gas giant is one of the few places in the galaxy that has a supply of the mineral [i]lectra[/i], a photon absorbing metal that aids in producing holographic images. Although completely inhospitable to carbon based life forms, Irobim is an ideal location for holographic correspondence; representatives of the Galactic Council would meet via subspace communication, [u]represented by holographic avatars of their likeness[/u].[/i] [b]Tei Bak IV[/b] [i]A Luak Tai Hegemony Shield World on the outer rim of Hegemony territory. Heavily fortified with orbital weapons platforms, thousands of patrolling drones and a complex early-warning alarm system. The vast palaces of the decadent imperial era of Luak Tae history are relatively unscathed and can accommodate representatives requiring a more...lavish lodging.[/i] [indent][indent]In all good faith and harmony, Minister of Diplomatic Affairs, XXclassifiedXX[/indent][/indent][/color] >>>END of MESSAGE ==============