[@The1Rolling1Boy] As Claudia sat with her back rested against the tall tree, she flanced over the picturesque and beautiful scenery of the valley. a soft, warm wind carried upon it a sweet, earthy scent that seemed to linger in the air for quite a while. She sighed peacefully, taking in the scent and the sight of emerald grasses dancing in the breeze. Twas as she took in this gorgeous scene however, a peculiar thing she noticed hopping about the fields. An adorable white rabbit with floppy, blue tipped ears bounced up and down happily. A common thing to see in the wilderness, but...what be this? Claudia was amazed. She had heard of spirit kin before, but not once had she laid eyes upon one...especially one as precious as the young girl the rabbit turned in to. [color=ed145b]~"She's adorable..."~[/color] Claudia stood awestruck. The wind whipped about her cloak and her long crimson hair as she stood benesth the shadows of the tree, watching, observing the innocent spirit with dazzling blue eyes.