Man, that was tough! Took me like 2 hours or more to craft this first draft of a character sheet. It's essentially like creating 2 character sheets in one. Let me know if there're any holes in the CS, because I'm sure there are, inevitably. Also, let me know if you need anything changed. EDIT: I'm still making changes, filling up holes an such. Lemme know if anything else needs change as I work. [B]Username: Darkraven[/B] [b]Character Name:[/b] Jezebeth (Knight of the Guardian Order, Ruby of the Knighthood, Bane of Demons, Poverty & Famine, Daughter of None) [hider=My Hider] Ushael (Mistress of the Circle of Lust, Despoiler and Corrupter of Kings and Men, Caress of the Dreadlands, Slayer of Knights, Fire's Shadow of the Forests, Eyes of the South) [/hider] [b]Race/Species:[/b] Human [hider=My Hider] Lust Demon, also known as a Succubus. [/hider] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [hider=My Hider] Female, but can appear as either. [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 31 [hider=My Hider] 2,213 [/hider] [b]Career/Class:[/b] Knight of the Guardian Order, a Demon Slayer [hider=My Hider] Mistress of the Circle of Lust, Seductress/Temptress, Infiltrator [/hider] [b]Weapons:[/b] [list] [*]Kasdeya's Deathstroke: A 2,000 years old Elvish long sword reputedly used to kill Kasdeya, a notorious Succubus fond of poisons and potions. Causes great pain to demons if they touch it. Deadly against demon-flesh, otherwise mundane, if only extremely sharp and near-impossible to destroy. Found again in Jezebeth's travels. [*]Guardian Order Kite Shield: A shield bearing the seal of the Guardian Order, a tower. Well made, but mundane. [*]Knightly Dagger: A dagger with white guard and handle, used as a last resort or a tool. Of no special properties. [*]Light Crossbow: A weak crossbow that can be loaded quickly, but releases bolts with a reduced force, something in between bows and crossbows. [*]Gauntlets: If nothing else, a pair of well-spun steel gauntlets could be deadly. [/list] [hider=My Hider] [list] [*]Seduction, Mind Manipulation: Ushael could control men, and sometimes even women, by turning their brilliant (or not so brilliant) mind against them or exposing their greatest weaknesses like open wounds. [*]Dread Fire: The Manipulation of fire. Not Ushael's main power, but like all demons, she could command it up to a certain level of adeptness. Firing jets or orbs of fire, spreading existing fire, but nothing too destructive. [*] Gauntlets: Her hands and forearms are protected by a pair of gauntlets that are as much weapons as armour, with sharp spikes at the tip of the fingers, as well as many blade-like protrusions for points of strike. [*] Horseshoes: A kick from her could fracture skulls. [/list] [/hider] [b]Physical Description (as detailed as possible please, pictures not accepted.):[/b] While not tall at 5 feet 8, her beauty has been the talk of Andred ever since her entrance into the Guardian Order of Knights and minor fame. Blonde hair like gold or sunshine frames her face, falling to just below her shoulders, with curls left and right of her face. When on a mission or in battle, this is tied into a tight bun. High cheeks like royalty. Straight, diagonal brows. Supple, healthy lips. Pale skin, silver eyes. Enough curves on her body that even her armour could make a man blush - This, of course, she covers with a cloak and the colours of her Guardian Order. That said, she is frequently found in her platemail armour of steel like silver and gold-gilding and linings. Otherwise, when at official events, she would often wear the white tunic of the Order with an abstract tower on the torso, or dresses of pleasant colours in parties. She moves with a grace seen on ethereals, and fights not like the stereotypical hard-headed and brute strength of a Knight, but with agility, lithe grace and a little roguish misdirection and guile. As if sculpted by the Gods themselves... Though jealous whispers suggest that her beauty is unnatural and the product of a deal with a devil. [hider=My Hider] Shaped by the darkest of mortal desires, Ushael plays on the lust of the many races. 5 feet 10 if standing really straight on her hooves, her baldness is nothing ugly, only emphasizing her tempting face of dark-pupil and pointed eyes, thin brows, supple lips, and Elvish ears that would make even the most disciplined of Elvish priests blush. Just above her forehead are a pair of horns curling backwards like that of goats - grooved and hard and deadly-pretty. She has pale, grey flesh, blurring the lines between life and death. A body too perfect, frequently bared to all such that an army of swordsmen would not cut it, unless she'd summoned clothes that could only emphasize her seductive powers, or when practical - like in cold weather that even demons cannot stand. Her muscles are toned to perfection, there but not too obvious. Her lower legs are hairy like that of horses or ponies, ending in hooves. Lastly, vestigial wings hung on her back, resembling that of giant bats with serrated talons on each bony protrusion. However, it could only be used to break falls, not to fly nor even glide. [/hider] [b]Armor:[/b] Jezebeth wears platemail armour of the lighter variety, simply because she is not strong enough to carry the heaviest plates that knights are known for. But it is a fully body armour, complemented by a shield, cloak and various pieces around the waist and chest announcing the presence of the Guardian Order. [hider=My Hider] Urshael wears no armour except for her ebony, intricate and impossibly well-made gauntlets and horseshoes. [/hider] [b]Equipment/Other[/b] She has a horse bred for swiftness. A backpack that tends to sit on it if not on her containing whatever she will need to survive and travel lightly. Rations, a change of clothes, some medicinal herbs and bandages. What is most prominent is the amulet around her neck, which is usually hidden her armour and shirt, a strange amulet with a ruby for a centrepiece - containing strange magic. Even Jezebeth knows not what it is for, except that she needs it and would not take it off. She figures it to be an important heirloom whose origin is lost to time and her amnesia. [hider=My Hider] Urshael has no petty need for 'equipment' and other things. Other than the Amulet that has been gifted to her by a kindred spirit, a Demon of Pride, what some would describe as an imp, Iliael. Crafted with demon power and magic, it will mask the demonic energy emanating from her, making her nearly impossible to detect. As for her other abilities, what characterises her best is her ability to shapeshift, take on the appearance of someone other than herself. This has limits, however, as she couldn't be too much smaller or bigger than her original size. Powerful magic or divine intervention could force her to return to her original form. Unlike most Succubus, however, Ushael has mastered this ability to such a degree that she could, if she wants, manifest her disguise to be far more than skin-deep, squeezing her real form into a higher dimension and layering real flesh and blood over. The cost is enormous, however: It will always result in amnesia, and her demonic powers would be gone. Again, this has limits. Some demonic energies or essence will still leak out, and some of the better mages and priests could still detect her. If it isn't for her amulet, she would have been found out a long time ago. A common ability that Ushael shares with other Succubus is her ability to drain energy and magic from those with who she fornicates. Even a caress or a kiss, or other more intimate gestures could do this - though the amount drained would not be much. It is in the actual act of intercourse that would leave her unwitting victim nearly dried out, exhausted or in the case of the likes of mages, nearly powerless. However, taking on a deep disguise of actual flesh and blood would diminish this ability drastically, such that the sensations of her kiss or caresses would only feel as if much more electric and disarming, taking away nearly nothing, and maintaining the disguise. Even sexual intercourse would leave her partner mostly fine - a little tired but satisfied. [/hider] [b]Mental Description/Personality:[/b]Jezebeth is outwardly kind and thoughtful, a creative soul who channels her imagination into helping others, telling anecdotes and uplifting people. Her solution to problems tend to be rooted in eloquence, skill and intellect, not brutality, cruelty and unneeded cunning. She is a known philanthropist, if she isn't on her missions to slay demons or any foul creatures, humanoid or otherwise, that the Order wants dead. But deep down, she is conflicted and swaying from one extreme or another - something which she has to get used to ever since waking up in the middle of an open field with no recollection of who she is. Her missions as a demon-slaying knight demands discipline and focus in all aspects of her life. It demands wisdom, self-sacrifice. But deep down, she wants, no, craves a break from this. Celibacy feels like a fool's concept in the face of her deeply-nestled need for companionship and bodily pleasures. She wants to throw caution to the wind, and embrace a wilder side. She wants to indulge for her own ends, just because. But day by day, she wills herself to stop this madness before it begins, praying to one God or another that many say would listen, only to feel empty and ignored. Nevertheless, she has been successful (most of the time) in living the life as expected of the ideal, moral knight, as a defender of mankind and a role model to all. Because deep down, she also know that she wants to be something more. [hider=My Hider] Ushael is manipulative, deceptive, dealing in lies within lies, and only truth when expressed in pleasure and sense, nakedness - to her benefit, or the benefit of the cause she serves. She has no qualms about sacrificing the welfare of others or causing the consequences of her actions as she seduces, cheat, lie, manipulate and straight-out puppeteers men and women in her machination of one agenda or the other. She takes pride in her work, not calling it as such - business and pleasure are one. And even as she seduces for her goals or the goals of an overseer, she seduces just as much for her own enjoyment, taking in how she would break down the will of her enemies and forcing them with their own mind to do things they would hate or renounce previously at a glance. And of course, the sex from a position of power. But Ushael wants more. Ever since being forced into hiding amongst the mortal races, she has understood what 'goodness' is, what love means. It isn't unknown to her that she is created from the sins of the many races, and she wants to be much more than that. Perhaps to be good is enjoyment of another kind? Perhaps love is another form of lust? Even after so many years of meditation, her understanding of goodness still sits uneasily between the abyss of mystery and the light of enlightening, wavering so often and interrupted by the many lifetimes of mortal life she has decided to live through. Manipulation, deception, lies, seduction and selfishness, as it turns out, can be used for good. [/hider] [b]Goals:[/b] Something in the Southland calls to her. For many months, she ignores it, thinking it to be another fancy of hers to be wild. But she could resist no more. Eventually, she has rationalised it so far that it is her mission to slay demons in the Southlands, to clean the layered taint and filth. [hider=My Hider] Something in the Southland calls to her. For many months, she ignores it, thinking it to be another fancy of hers to be wild. But she could resist no more. Eventually, she has rationalised it so far that it is her mission to slay demons in the Southlands, to clean the layered taint and filth. [/hider] [b]Background/History:[/b] [list] [*]Jezebeth wakes up on the open plains, with no memories of who she is or where she came from. All she knows is the name 'Jezebeth', and all she has is an amulet sitting on her breast. Not even clothes on her back did she have. [*]She stumbles upon a kindly old farmer and his family, who took her in as one of his own. She has learnt much from him as she toiled on his farm to repay his kindness. [*]A Demon of Wrath terrorises the countryside, eventually reaching the farm and killing most of the family, including the old farmer. Enraged, she slays the beast with nothing but a pitchfork and a rusty sword, finding surprising aptitude in herself on the task. [*]She was witnessed by a few Guardian Knights, who took her in as an initiate and squire. [*]Jezebeth gets married to one of the surviving farmers, a lucky man who finds opportunity in employment in an Andred city as a warehouse master. [*]She ascends to Knighthood after slaying another troublesome Demon of Lust, a Succubus, loose in the city. Somehow or other, she is able to instinctively predict her moves and anticipate her, eventually catching up and slaying her. [*]She bore a child whom she names Elizabeth. [*]There are times when there is little threat of demons or the more usual dangers. She spends this time on her family or equally heroic acts of philanthropy, feeding and taking care of the poor. [*]She has since become also known as the Ruby of the Knighthood, a lady of immense beauty, and just as infinite of beauty, courage, grace and strength. A subject of minor fame that she is even invited to dine with the nobility of Andred. [*]Years passed with many obstacles met and overcome. A stray incubus kills her husband and nearly her daughter when it attempted to corrupt her. She grieves. [*]The Southlands call to her. She answers the call with a few other knights and soldiers of the Guardian Order. Leaving behind her daughter to a close friend, and her city. [*]She is eventually all that is left of the expedition into the Southlands. Her fortune runs low, as few demons are slain and ALL of her sword-brothers and sisters are killed eventually. [/list] [hider=My Hider] And that is my story, love. There's nothing more, honest as the heavens. Come, let me snuggle in close to you, and we may talk further... With more than just words. [/hider]