[center][h1]Inside HPIS[/h1][/center] [h3]Cell Block L-1[/h3] Just as it had reached it's peak, the riot in Cell Block L-1 was starting to wind down. Prisoners and guard alike, though less of the latter, littered the ground as corpses, waiting to regenerate. Many of the Hellscapers were also gone or preoccupied, unable to cause chaos. The King and John were the only two actually doing any fighting. Speaking of fighting, John was currently combating Poncho. The ingenious move to ignite his mace had gone as planned, staggering his foe long enough to command his allies. Unfortunately, though they reduced his arm's mass, said arms were also now on fire. With a smarmy grin, the not-so-armless demon launched a right hook at John's head, something that would be hard to block with the shield in his left hand. While guards or prisoners would occasionally accost Toby and the King, none would bother with Viliam. Once the wall he was pushing himself against was melted through, it would reveal a whole load of untapped riot potential, unfreed prisoners riled up by the noise coming from the other side of the wall. One wonders if they were even needed though, surely Kritch must have been close? [h3]Front Room[/h3] Two of the guards were already K.O.ed, jagged wood sticking out of two many parts of them to attempt movement of any kind. the other 2 guards, while better off, were still almost literally pinned against the wall and thrashing about uselessly. The two would have nothing to worry about. Until, of course, Nefas reared his head. After a brief tirade, his voice seemingly dropped for no reason. A few seconds after, he and [url=http://i.imgur.com/8PHqEt0.png]his head guard[/url] stepped back out into the hallway Grog and Deprave were currently throwing things at people. The head guard, thoroughly shaken, began walking towards the right side cells, while Nefas stared down his opponents. [color=9e0b0f]"Everything going okay down there guys?"[/color] Barkeep rang. Things were about to be not okay. [h3]Vents[/h3] Kritch was getting close to Betty, most definitely. He could feel it in his tiny rat brain. It was a special cell near the middle of the prison on the right side, built with a single light and no windows so she couldn't make a portal out, according to the info Barkeep had given the group. There were normally guards on it 24/7 because of her ability to free other prisoners but there would be, at the very least, less around during the fullscale riot happening in Block L-1.