[@Caits][@Vicier][@yoshiskittlez] [h2]Clifford[/h2] [hr] Clifford huffed. School...again. He hated it hated it with a passion. And yet here he was never failing to be on time. He sighed and looked around the room. A bully made eye contact and motioned to show what the kid thought he'd do. Clifford rolled his eyes and flipped him off. Bullies...the rocks of the human world. He looked over as his teacher...Ms. Flores spoke. He inhaled discreetly as always to check the scents around him. Werewolf and Sadly leukemia. He chuckled to himself as he seemed to have perfected hiding his scent enough for the werewolf not to notice. He crossed his arms as he continued to listen. Arms that were exposed without his usual hoodie. He raised a brow as she tossed the folder. Touch football. He felt an eye roll and managed not to execute it...his attention snagged by Madison. Hybrid. Currently in this room there were three [i]others[/i] as he liked to say. Then he heard a scoff...that bully. He looked back at that bully and shook his head before looking back at his teacher in time to hear his name. [color=lightgreen]"Aw my favorite color"[/color] he went to stand up front and let his amber eyes slide through his classmates. He slid his gaze to Giddeon and shrugged. he better not pick Madison. His gaze now locked on the girl. Honestly...he didn't care much for games like this but a small twinge of competition ran through him. Why the hell not right?