Oh, uh, either. Depends on if you want them to be an antagonist or protagonist. Or antivillain. I can try to pull a Beerus-tsundere anti villain sorta thing if you need that. I'd prefer Protagonist due to lots of character interaction, but the character can work with either and I'd have different things to enjoy and whatnot. And as for the powers. Do they need to be 100% scientific or is some mysticism allowed? That isn't clarified in the show due to it bieng some half and half stuff. Levitate(Passive) = Antigrav, fairly straightforward. Portals = Think a Portal Gun, just in staff form. Enhanced version can either conjure portals in air as well as on surfaces or allow portals to move while being used or both, but detonate if they're open for too long. I dunno, up to you on what limits you wanna give these. This is probably the most fluid of the abilities. Blink = Short range teleport that breaks the character free of bonds. I can tinker and see if I can think of another time-space sorta thing for a fourth if you need one. Mirror (Entity or image) doesn't work really as a theme.