[@Elgappa] So just looked over your character sheet, and I think Dourhorn and his followers would likely view Leth as a dangerous pretender - far too young and reckless to rule the valley. We would likely have had lots of interaction under Leth's tenure as Warden and Dourhorn's role as councilor. Perhaps they could have been at odds fairly often, Dourhorn advising restraint, juxtaposed with Leth's aggressiveness? [@Dogematix] Cool character... It would be cool to have some animosity between Dourhorn and Agrim lingering from Agrim's younger days. The two likely are able to find common ground being Godsfearing Dwarves and all that. My character will be keen to get his support for his claim early on, from there we'll see how they get on. [@bluetommy2] I think Dourhorn might view Orin as one of the leading obstacles to his claim. Orin being seemingly agnostic would put them at odds, driven to further resentment with Muin's favor of Orin. Perhaps the two of them could have had some strong words following the death of Muin, if that's cool. Perhaps their falling out was the catalyst for Dourhorn getting the hell out of Muin's Keep, fearing the machinations of his brother, Orin.