Yugi felt a little nervous, he understood she was strong he was wandering how she was about being here and in this time. He had no idea what her time was like before she came to being in his hands. Though he was going through his grandpas deck in of which had been given to him, looked to her when she spoke about granting wishes and being a Genie. He didnt think she would still be be able to do this. "Really? Ive heard alot about Genies and granting wishes but had no idea if it was true." he pondered to her. He started to believe the minute he met Djinn. If he was able to talk to a monster card and no other with the fact that his millennium puzzle somehow contained magic he could never understand. He looked to the Egyptian artifact that was attached to the old worn rope that it was tied to it. "Though i wouldnt know what to wish for. I already made a wish to the Millennium Puzzle. A wish i had wanted for so long." Yugi told her. And that was true. He knew if he wanted to wish for anything it would be something he wanted from the core of his heart. Not to waste it on something silly and rediculous. Those wishes he knew would take time and knowing what he wanted. He looked back to Djinn with the puzzle still in his hands and smiled. "So what are the rules?" he asked curiously. No doubt she would want to tell since there were many stories about Djinn like her. He wanted to get his facts straight.