[Hider=Mystery] Name:Mystery Age:16, but don't ask because he doesn't remember all you'll get is "I'm the same age Spirit and younger then Shiro" with an awkward grin [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/981c/f/2015/177/9/3/spirit_fox_by_sprinklethefurry-d8yv175.png[/img] Ability:Mystery as the ability to change into the fox as seen above which is only 6 inches tall Appearance:[img]https://img.charahub.com/c396255_ff309288a1ee6a7d8160d62888c94e30.jpg[/img] Bio: Mystery was out with his parents and his sister to go out and get Shiro a birthday present, they lived in a small town, in a small house. They would run around and play, they would play board games and card games when it would rain, they would roll around in the snow. As they were out and they were passing the park that where a friendly man would sell ice cream, where he and his family would go to hang out with other family and friends, someone shot his mother who was in the passenger seat through the windshield then did the same to his father. Mystery and Spirit sat there and watched as they held onto each other as the car veered off the road and into a tree in a park. Two men walked up to the car, pulled Spirit and him out of the car and shoved then into a bag where they couldn't see anything until they dropped them somewhere, which appeared to soft and fluffy. One of the two men gave both of them down and gave them a shot. Mystery's body became numb and his mind hazy, before he blacked out he remember being tied to something... After that is all he would probably tell you unless you are really close. So if you wanna know the rest better get to know Mystery. [/hider] [hider=Spirit] Name:Spirit Age:same age as Mystery [img]https://em.wattpad.com/1f49a34efee9db5ad07dd9dd76eded51ad987919/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f434a4b64347250355746433032413d3d2d3331383132373531312e313437396538666630306238656434303437393833323032353033392e6a7067?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img] Ability:Spirit can turn into a rabbit as seen above which is your average size of a Flemish Giant which is 32 inches long Appearance:[img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-4frwWezWB3Q/V1Tke4u2QII/AAAAAAAF2kA/8dFBfIfstvoEvQg31h6eAr9TaJoGTDHRQ/w506-h750/2016-06-04-837751.png[/img] Bio: Basically the same as Mystery's, but she remembers more and would be happy to tell anyone. After her and her twin brother, Mystery, were kidnapped, they were blind folded and drugged. When Spirit woke up she was in a cold humid hexagonal shaped room where multiple cameras were set up on each wall, she was gagged and tied down to something. There she never saw her brother again for a whole year until the policy came and found the kidnappers in the mid of raping her, after she was already beaten, forced to drink high grade alchol, and cut up by the whips they would use which had sharp edges on them. Currently Spirit and Mystery are in a Foster home, and their foster parents sent them here thinking it would help them open up to people after the whole thing that happened in their past. It still haunts Spirit [/hider] Done!