[centre][b][h1][color=fff200]Callie[/color][/h1][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Location:[/b] Carson City, Callie's shop [b]Time and Date[/b] 13th of March 2017, 0900[/centre] [hr][hr] Callie finished up with the customer, perhaps a little hurriedly, her cheeks slightly red. She was use to that reaction by now. She handed the customer their bag, giving them a bashful smile, [color=fff200]"Thank you for shopping with us, I do hope everything was to your liking"[/color] She said, giving a slight chuckle as the customer said "Well, I wouldn't mind one of those kisses". She glanced to Caius and said [color=fff200]"Sorry Ma'am. He's mine, and I'm not sharing him"[/color]. She smiled, watching the customer leave, the bell ringing as they left and then someone else entered. Seeing Caius's and Caludia's reactions, Callie shifted, readying herself with a spell just in case this would turn dangerous, she frowned as someone else entered the store. There was something about them, that put Callie's back up. Every time. It didn't seem to matter that she was a witch. Callie glanced to the door, knowing that humans sometimes shopped her, Layla was throwing out magic as if there wasn't something to hide. She shifted, starting to collect the order, [color=fff200]"I'm not exactly a normal witch. This is my city, and I'm no going to leave it. Besides, I'm not weak, nor am I ever really alone"[/color] Her gaze moved ove to Caius again, unable really, to help it. It didn't seem to matter how far apart they were, her gaze was always drawn to him. She looked back to Layla. She wasn't worried too much about a confrontation in her store, she had spells set up to prevent that. This place, and home were probably the safest places in the city. And besides, Caius and Claudia could take care of many problems themselves. She finished loading the order, taking the money for it, she thanked Layla for the offer, but she wasn't going to take her up on it. It wasn't simply that she didn't know anything about Layla, it was the fact that she trusted her own magic more then anyone elses, and besides that, she had everything she needed at home. Once Layla was gone, Callie approached Caius, Claudia and the stranger. As she got closer, her charm bracelet gave a slight vibration. Vampire, then. Where they something more? She still had a spell at the ready, Just in case. [color=fff200]"Hello, and welcome to my store. Are you interested in anything in particular?"[/color] Polite and professional, before seeing that Caius and Claudia had been looking at a love potion. [color=fff200]"That one is more for show, it doesn't work, I have some at the back that do, but I don't sell them to anyone. Messing with love is not generally a good idea...and potions always fade"[/color] She didn't want a ticked off Cupid--because after everything she'd seen, she knew, why wouldn't there be love spirits out there?-coming at her. She glanced back to the stranger, waiting to see what they'd do. [hr][hr] [@Kyrisse][@Zhaliora] [hr][hr]