Ceren's mind lingered on the absence of other children in the park that the teen had requested to be dropped off in. He didn't have too long to think about it though, a rather bratty quip from the blonde at his side had his attention shifting and eyes rolling. Leaving to Taron to be sassier than the gay guy in the car, a shared joke between the boys that had them laughing all the way to the high school. Unlike his sister, Taron had no qualms about being dropped off by his brothers gay boyfriend. Kids in high school were much more apathetic about those issues. If it wasn't getting them good grades, laid, or drunk, most likely they weren't really worried about it. "Thanks man," Taron said as he flicked off his belt and grabbed his backpack. "No problem," He shrugged off, more than ready to head off to school. He was verging on being late now. "Oh and T," Ceren caught on as the boy slipped out of the car. "Yeah?" he wondered, brows flicking downwards in confused curiosity. "Keep it in your pants man," he teased, the fact Taron had a girlfriend being common knowledge. "You first," He quipped back, the darker of the two showing off his middle finger, both males laughing as he sped off. Ceren was able to slip into class just as the clock hit 8am. It was cutting it close but he made it. He flicked on the monitor in front of him, pulling up his latest coding file. He pursed his lips, staring at the screen as he checked over what he'd been working on. Whatever little slip ups he may have made the night before were fixed, which was rather annoying. They were little things here and there, a symbol that shouldn't be there, or that was eerily similar to one though it was the other. "Hey," a voice from his left whispered. It took a moment but Ceren tore his gaze from the screen, flickering to the mocha colored man at his side before they were once again on his screen. He didn't have time to talk, working diligently to finish this damn code up. He had been hoping to finish it last week but his car services had been needed by Taron to go meet his girlfriend or to be picked up. Of course Ceren stuck under the lie that he was just hanging out with friends. Even though the family knew that he had one, it didn't mean they knew just how much time they spent together. Knowing how precious a commodity personal space was, Ceren had no issue with it. Taron was sixteen, he wasn't going to want to divulge his relationship with his family, other than the girls name and that she was in his year. He wanted something to himself, outside of the house, the struggles, the tension. Ceren understood that, respected it, so he helped Taron get his personal space. "What?" Ceren mumbled, keeping his voice low out of curtesy of the other students instead of necessity. "You look tired mate," the male at his side mused as Ceren yawned. "Yeah so?" He shrugged, blinking before his fingers tapped against the aged keyboard. "I got something that could help," the boy mentioned. Ceren paused, attention fully on the man next to him. The other boy smirked, knowing he had the kids interest. "It's just a little thing to help you get work done. Everyone uses it," he pitched, revealing a tiny plastic bag full of a suspicious white powder. Ceren blinked, staring at the dime bag. He was almost startled to find himself considering it. He was having a hard time concentrating on his work. He could use something to help him get this done, and get it done right. He spent half of his school day fixing mistakes he made when he was too tired to function. But..Leith...the family..."Nah I'm good," he mumbled with a quiet shake of his head. "Coffee is good with me," he lied as he got back to work, shaking the guilt of having even considered the offer posed to him. "Well...if you ever need it," the boy hummed, slipping the small pouch back into his jacket. Ceren didn't know, nor did he want to, how or where it went. He just wanted to finish his day and go visit Leith. He wanted to shake the weight that lay heavy on his shoulders. He didn't need some 'aid' to help him get work done. He could do this...on his own. Leith was working two jobs just fine, and somehow still finding a decent amount of time to spend time with him. He could get through college. That relief was given, a wash of emotion damn near cathartic, as Ceren pulled up to the local garage. His lips tugged into an easy smile, the giddiness of seeing that one person that made the hurt, confusion, anxiety, and all other worries melt away. That one person that, no matter what, could pull out the best of you even when you were at your lowest. It was a fluttering of a heart, a twinkle in the eye, the buzzing under the skin. Love. Pure and simple. He saw him there, leaning over the propped up hood of some broken car. His muscles flexed, body painted in grease stains, clothing hanging off his body luxuriously. Ceren smiled, something he just couldn't help when he got to see the man completely in his element. His teeth dug into his bottom lip, feet dragging him towards the object of his affection. Russet brown arms wrapped around a narrow waist, hands finding home in those overalls tied so carelessly around his body. Slim chin resting on a soft shoulder, a sweet tenor voice whispered. "Wanna check under my hood babe?"