[h3]Vaughtar[/h3] For a brief moment it appeared that the gargoyle had not noticed that the small man he had tried to save from the bitter cold had died. When Vaughtar did however, his eyes opened widely within a single moment. He launched the body into the air as if hit by an invisible, but large and very pointy needle in his giant back. A dead body lying on his breast! Everyone knew that things started rotting the moment they died! Well... yes... he had killed one or two snabbits my crushing them, but these things had lived at the moment of impact [i]and[/i] most of their material had fallen off of him immediately. With disgust written on his face, Vaughtar rolled to the side while the body was in the air. Unfortunately though he hadn't taken into account all the things that lay in the path of his evasive maneuver before actually initiating it... With a loud bang, the gargoyle slammed against the stone altar. Snow that still happened to hang over its edges fell off and given the loud noise, worries about the altar's base having been damaged were probably not too far away. Now the dead man returned to the ground, resuling in another barrage of cracking noises. Vaughtar looked around: Shanon, Dimitri, the other operatives... What did they have to think now of him ? The thought occupied him so much that he didn't even notice the marines' ongoing quarrel. He was quite a bit afraid and there wasn't much of an effort he put into his voice in order to conceal this. [color=yellow]"Oh dear... I've screwed up, haven't I ?"[/color]