[@ClocktowerEchos] Okaaay. I think I am done. [hider=Gencultura Technologies Group] [center] [URL=http://s74.photobucket.com/user/Bloodlut/media/Gencultura.jpg.html][IMG]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i246/Bloodlut/Gencultura.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [h1] Gencultura Technologies Group[/h1][h2][sup][sup][i]"Protecting your future, today."[/i][/sup][/sup][/h2][hr][hr][/center][h2][sub][b][u] Common names [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]GenTech, Gencultura, Gencultura Tech, GcT Group.[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Origins [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Before the global chaos of 2031 Gencultura Technologies did not exist, though several of its subsidiaries under a now dissolved umbrella company did. As the nations of the world collapsed a group of wealthy conglomerates banded together to purchase many of the assets of the world at a vastly reduced price – effectively picking apart the decaying husks of still dying nations and corporations alike before dismantling and selling much of what they took to those who would come after. With this newfound capital and a lack of regulations the conglomerates found themselves able to invest heavily in many previously denied avenues of technology, hiring in the most intelligent of the world with the promise of support and stability in exchange for unparalleled progress for all. This was achieved through a carefully maintained corporate image, modern propaganda in practise and it was very effective. It painted a picture of a not so distant future in which a utopian society could be achieved, of course through the newly created Gencultura AgriTech Corporation. With the total collapse of both the Turkish and Cypriot governments the group was able to purchase the island of Cyprus in its entirety and within several years it was established as the first Gencultura mega-facility under Paradise Solutions and formed the Gencultura Technologies Group. Within the first twenty years Gencultura made huge advances in genetically modified agriculture, specifically the creation of several strains of extremely hardy and resistant crops alongside air, soil and crop sensors that could have revolutionised the farming industry as global levels of pollution continued to rise. They attracted much of the world's once greatest and wealthiest, those seeking a shelter from the storm that the world now was. As a food crisis continued to grip much of Africa Gencultura expanded its holdings under the guise of humanitarian assistance, securing much of what was once North Africa causing much of the African population to migrate northwards or starve on the now even more hospitable continent. They established Paradise Solutions population centres notably in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco – at this point effectively becoming a nation in their own right. The Gencultura Group established the Bastion Group subsidiary to create and utilise weapons technologies to better control the population through both non-fatal and if necessary fatal means. Throughout this period the leadership and direction of Gencultura had been decided by the board of directors, however an internal conflict around this time resulted in their dissolution and a new corporate structure being established with a new Executive Director with ultimate control. Over the next twenty years the corporation branched into several more sectors, namely biological engineering and biometrics culminating in in-vitro farms, fisheries and vertical farming. They expanded and acquired further territories in the Mediterranean securing effective control of the entire sea’s external shipping lanes completing their monopoly of the area whilst establishing more Paradise Solution centres. Most recently Gencultura has expanded further into Africa carving out what was once Somalia, having spent the last ten years priming an ambitious project after their expansions in the Mediterranean. Over the last thirty or so years Gencultura has changed much, both internally and externally. The once public image of technology for all has disappeared into the slightly more ominous Gencultura machine that continues to grow. [/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Leadership [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]For all purposes run by an Executive Director, publically the head of the company who has the majority say in any decision, though a board of directors still exists to advise. In reality they are all public figureheads, manipulated from behind the scenes to give a semblance of transparency and accountability. The true leader of the Gencultura Technologies Group is a single dynasty, or rather a single man. One of the initial conglomerate investors who over the course of his and the companies life has taken total control through a combination of buyouts, bribery and more nefarious means. Charles Lawson, assisted closely by his family whom he has trained and prepared for his entire life are the true controllers of the Gencultura Technologies Group. He has final say in every regard, though aged 98 with the help of the most cutting modern medical science he still feels as young as he did at 60. His eldest son is his second, carrying out many of the tasks his father sets and making them a reality. He too has his own agendas and personally runs several off-shoot divisions of some of the subsidiaries so he is able to direct their research.[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Major Industries/Brands/Subsidiaries [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent] Gencultura Agritech (Agriculture - Origin) Paradise Solutions (Contained Living Environments) Gencultura Bioheal (Pharmaceutical research) Bastion Group (Arms Manufacturing)[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Company Culture [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent] Publically the Gencultura Technologies Group is a very ethical and transparent company, or at least most parts of it are. The majority of the company does in fact run in a very ethical and transparent way, the majority of individuals within the company being none the wiser to anything otherwise. There are however divisions amongst practically all of the larger subsidiaries that are very guarded and closed off, of course publically these are the areas most sensitive to corporate espionage such as experimental research and development. In truth these sections are far from ethical and the workers within these branches generally have no qualms about what they are doing, after all the profits and luxuries of the Gencultura Tech Group are many. [/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Security Detail [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent] Security is handled almost exclusively by The Bastion Group within the Gencultura Tech territories. Initially a peacekeeping force established to protect the Southern Med-Paradise centres due to the huge influx of ‘immigrants’ it soon grew into a mixture of peacekeepers and private security force and eventually included a capable special strike force. Over the years the arms produced have benefited greatly from Gencultura Bioheal research leading to a number of extremely deadly and effective weaponry. As the Gencultura group expanded and secured more natural resources the Bastion group expanded too, gaining small mining and manufacturing subsidiaries of its own supported by foreign experts as the need for arms and equipment grew. Initially a very small force attached to a primarily arms production company the Bastian Group has expanded upon its number of Special strike teams, the culmination of the best technology and training the Gentech Group can provide. Most recently the Bastion strike teams were used to outs the many rebel factions and settlements that had littered Somalia for countless years, bringing ultimate security and Genecultura oversight to the shipping lanes in that area as they forged down the red sea’s west bank through a gradual campaign of strategic strikes and superior logistical abilities. Of course the territory was seized and the lands natural resources with it, adding another planned Paradise Solutions centre to Africa, the world can celebrate another ‘victory’ as countless lives will surely be saved in this ‘humanitarian’ move as Gentech secures and redevelops the once hostile lands. [/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Territory [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent] [IMG]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i246/Bloodlut/Mpa_2.png[/IMG] [/indent] [hider=Executive Director Rowe] [center][IMG]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i246/Bloodlut/Biz1.jpg[/IMG] [h1]Executive Director Rowe [/h1][h2][sup][sup][i]”For the good of the company.”[/i][/sup][/sup][/h2][/center][h2][sub][b][u] General Information [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]George Scott Rowe 42 Male 02.04.2057[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] History [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Born in the heart of the Gencultura Technologies in the Cyprio Prime Paradise complex to one of the wealthiest families George attended the finest schools and academies before he took a junior position within Paradise Solutions where he quickly excelled and progressed. He was overseer over the entire southern Mediterranean expansion project and worked closely with the Agritech division to ensure maximum yields within record periods causing a population boom amongst the zones. With the death of the previous Executive Director there was a careful election and interview process within the company’s board of directors, publically anyway. Behind the scenes George Rowe was selected by Charles Lawson after a number of private interviews, he proved to be both the most qualified and the most agreeable to Mr Lawson’s ambitions. He has been Executive director for nine years now and long ago accepted his role within Gencultura Technologies as what he sees it as the second in command. He still has a great deal more input into the groups actions as long as his actions align with the ambitions of Mr Lawson. Disputes between the two have been few and he quickly learnt not to cross the man who pulls all of the strings. [/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Personality [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]George flourished initially within the environment of good ethical behaviour and core values of Paradise Solutions, this greatly contributing to his rapid successes. As such he is perceived as a very ethical and upstanding Executive Director, his record speaking for itself. He oversaw the processing of over 200 million ‘refugees’ entering into the Southern Med centres and eventual distribution throughout the southern zones. This reputation is part of the reason he was selected by Mr Lawson. In private however he became frustrated with many elements of the project, the obvious problems with such an influx of uneducated and unskilled labourers into an otherwise highly educated semi-cosmopolitan culture causing much friction. The problems were overcome slowly but through a project of free food, education, training and a strict process of integration for those with the desire to do so. The darker side of the program was handled by the Bastion Group, giving him deniability of any knowledge of the kidnappings and so called ‘rehabilitation centres’ where any unsatisfactory elements taken to be either broken or removed. The closely controlled Gencultura Technologies Group media broadcasts of course dismissed these as vicious rumours spread by dissidents and malcontents. He is of course aware of some of the dark side and he permits it to operate under the control of Mr Lawson without interference choosing to not confront exactly what is necessary for the success of the company. [/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Relations [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent] George is married to Diana Rowe, they have three children. Helena Rowe – 19 Christoper Rowe – 16 Alexander Rowe – 8 It is impossible to get to where he has without gaining at least a small number of enemies and rivals throughout the many subsidiaries. One of the good points about being Executive Director though as far as he sees it he has won and only needs now to maintain his position. He is too well behaved to have a mistress. [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Mr Lawson] [center] [IMG]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i246/Bloodlut/senior-businessman-sitting-in-chair.jpg[/IMG] [h1]Mr Lawson [/h1][h2][sup][sup][i]”Make sure it is taken care of. This is the last time I want to hear about it.”[/i][/sup][/sup][/h2][/center][h2][sub][b][u] General Information [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Charles Dante Lawson 98 Male 07.08.2002[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] History [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent] The history of Charles Lawson and his family is known by very few, but he was a vastly wealthy investor during the great collapse who managed to band together with several of his allies to take advantage of the situation. Throughout his life he has manipulated events to suit himself, taking total control of the company through various methods from behind the scenes. Each subsidiary head knows who they really report to and over the many years there have been numerous examples of what happens to those who attempt to subvert his control. Though extremely old being at the helm of one of the wealthiest corporations has afforded him access to the latest cutting edge bio-technologies both from within Gentech and from external sources. His initial vision of food and technology for all whilst partially realised has been somehow warped along the route. Now all he seems to desire is expansion and progress. [/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Personality [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent] Charles Lawson has no public image, being an extremely private individual with access to vast wealth and resources he is able to keep it this way. He is extremely ambitious and capable, considering each and every option he has before making what he considers the best decision – nothing is below him if it means his ambitions are achieved. He has many hobbies and enjoys a quite opulent lifestyle, supplemented by a range of pharmaceuticals and bioenhancements he is still able to live the life of a much younger man. He has outlived his wife and has many mistresses that he keeps at his many luxurious properties. He is driven in his professional and personal life, a man used to getting everything he wants one way or another. He considers the vast majority of his goals achieved and now sets aside a good portion of his time to the finer things in life. [/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Relations [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent] Relations with his family are generally very good, though there are doubtlessly a few cracks and sensitive areas. A widower he has outlived his wife whom he loved dearly, though throughout their long marriage he did indulge outside of the marital bed on several occasions – though his wife remained unaware. He has five children, one of which is a bastard that he has kept hidden from the others. Victor Charles Lawson – 51 Cedrick Dante Lawson – 39 Teagan Victoria Lawson – 36 Stephan Edward Lawson – 34 Charlie Francis Couture - 25 [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Victor Lawson] [center][IMG]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i246/Bloodlut/Biz3.jpg[/IMG] [h1]Victor Lawson[/h1][h2][sup][sup][i]"You should carefully consider your options. I wouldn't want your last decision to be a bad one."[/i][/sup][/sup][/h2][hr][hr][/center][h2][sub][b][u] General Information [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent] Victor Charles Lawson 51 Male 21.11.2047 [/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] History [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent] The first son of Charles Lawson, Victor has been groomed to be his heir each and every single day of his life. He has attended the very best institutes within both Gentech and the wider world, having known nothing but the very best for his entire life. Just like his father he is ambitious beyond belief and driven to accomplish his every goal. As he proved his abilities and desires his father has entrusted him with more and more, culminating in de facto leadership of the Bastion Group and handling of the more sensitive and crucial elements of Gencultura Technologies Group’s darker ambitions.[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Personality [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Similar in many ways to his father victor is used to achieving his desires, though he lives within the shadow of him and has done his entire life. Because of this he has grown accustomed to withholding information regarding his own projects from his father and family, his ambitions growing bolder each day. He has crossed lines that even Charles Lawson would not have, commissioning research in all manner of terrible avenues whilst supplying ample test subjects from within the unsatisfactory elements of his rehabilitation centres. Personally he is quite cruel and sadistic, quite possibly a psychopath considering many of his preferred pastimes. [/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Relations [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Eldest son of the Lawson family. Victor maintains a working relationship with his family, but beyond this he has failed to bond with any member other than his father, whom he always has had the deepest reverence for.[/indent] [/hider] [/hider]