[color=A9A9A9][center][B][H3]V E N T U S[/H3][/B][/center][hr][/COLOR] [b][i]No time..![/i][/b] Geoff had been struggling to get himself straight as the action happened below him and monster seemed to forget that he existed; declaring that Mr. P must be the strongest hero in the world and promptly pursuing him. This was a second shock to Ventus’, albeit small, ego - he was a Class S hero dammit. He thought that he’d earned just a bit of recognition… at least by the bad guys. But, he was above such trivial matters, such as the ones that plagued his thoughts… Oh well. He shot himself toward the monster as the hero… [i][b]Sunshine..?[/b][/i] he wasn’t terribly good at remembering the names of all of the heros. But he was relatively certain that this was the man’s name, he was a top hero in Class B. Anyway, he shot himself toward the monster as Sunshine seemed to spontaneously combust. Like he was literally on fire! [i][b]I hope he has some way of protecting himself from that… Looks like it must burn…[/b][/i] Sunshine launched himself forward as Mr. P dodged the monster’s attack and shouted something at it - Ventus didn’t have time to really process it as he was hurling toward the beast hoping to achieve a combination attack with Sunshine - his plan at the moment was to feed the other hero’s flame and increase the effectiveness of his attack all the while grasping the monster in order to subdue it and have it possibly explain where it came from. [b]NOTE: Need GM Ruling on Attacks[/b]