[@Animal][@Melkor][@Polaris North][@SpookySquid] [b]City S[/b] Once again, Trach was duped! Not by the greatest warrior this planet has to offer, not even the cities strongest warrior but this average man before him! Nothing, in his many years of living has a being angered him so much. Its claw shook from anger before eventually calming down [color=blue]"Crustecean? ....CRUSTECEAN?!? WHAT IS THAT AND HOW DARE YOU CALL THE MIGHTY TRACH THAAAAAAAT!!!"[/color] In his fit of rage, Trach failed to realize the shining hero from behind. The kick landed square on his back, dropping Trach toa knee but only one knee. He turned, noticing the same boy who had blinded his eye earlier [color=blue]"YOU!!"[/color] Before he could finish, a flurry of burning fists were coming straight for him. With his back still burning, Trach turned around and met each fist with his own, countering the punches with his left bone-like hand while the claw remained still. However, his fists would not come out unscathed, greater burn marks being evident on his fists as his full focus was on the boy. [color=blue]"LETS SEE HOW LONG YOU CAN KEEP UP"[/color] The speed of his fist began to gradually increase. --- [i]Elsewhere in City S[/i] The claw glared at Flash Forward, studying him and trying to understand him. Suddenly, a deep toned laugh filled the small room. "Interesting, so you're all I have to take care of" Said the claw, with an incredibly deep and eerie voice. "No problem, a little squirt like you should be nothing!" The claw opened its mouth, firing a few preliminary water bullets at Flash Forwards legs before kicking off the ground and aiming straight for his face.