Mackenzie swayed gently and hummed ,not so quietly, to herself as she worked. The sounds of the Martian National Orchestra reverberated loudly through her cordless headphones. She sat on a small stool surrounded by an array of tools and Droid bits with her hands wire deep into a droid. After Amara had offered to show her around the Nyx, they spent a short time exploring the different bays of the ship. Along the way she made several quick notes about certain areas in which droids would be held or working. She also thought it was particularly apt to note the expresso machine in the break room. The last leg of the tour was Amara's medical bay. Mackenzie could see the sense of pride in Amara's eyes they entered. A creepy Droid stood at the back of the room waiting to be needed. Mackenzie had never liked the loom of the medical droids. It was like something from those very old thriller movies. That was where Mackenzie left Amara and headed back to the common area. The Expresso machine called to her and she couldn’t resist. While she waited she was approached by cute Nyx Engineer. Mackenzie attempted to flirt awkwardly as she was not very good at small talk. They parted ways with the hope that they would see each other again when the Nyx returned from its mission. She then quickly found her way back to the robotics bay to get to work. had not taken her long to find a malfunction in a group of Droids. The malfunction had caused a sensor error and several of the droids kept running into the walls. Mackenzie stood as she realized she needed another part from the storage room. She bounced to beat of the next song as she crossed the room and scanned her ID to allow her access. It glowed green as the door slid open. She was completely oblivious to the announcement made over the Nyx com system alerting the crew of immediate departure. The door slid closed behind her as it was supposed to be locked for the remainder of the away mission. The ground shook as Mackenzie went to grab a spare part off the self. With loud yep, she fell backwards onto her butt. Pain seared her forehead and she reached up to rub it. Her fingers became slick with blood as she realized the spare part, now laying beside her, had cut her. She pressed a small button on her arm Datapa to stop her music. For moment she sat there wondering what the hell had happened. Mackenzie grumbled as she got to her feet and headed back towards the door. She scanned her Id but the door panel just flashed red and beeped out in warning. “ What the Hell?” She cursed as she tried again. Again it flashed red and beeped. “NOAH, let me out of here.” She demanded. Nothing. Quickly she checked her data pad. NOAH it seemed was disconnected from the Nyx at that moment. “Fuck!” It suddenly dawned on Mackenzie. The only reason NOAH would disconnect from the Ship was if the Nyx had left the Ark altogether. In an act of pure frustration and desperation Mackenzie began pounding on the door in the hopes that someone might hear her.