The sound of heavy and fast-paced footsteps resounded through the clearing. Through the brush and branches, the silhouette of a massive, impossibly well-built man neared, as he cheerfully sang a strange north-folk's song, nearly at the top of his lungs. His gait revealed his demeanor, and his demeanor was as cheerful as it could get. Yet, something was amiss. And that something was a trail of blood, the trickling originating near an object hanging from the barbarian's belt. As he neared, a wide, honest grin became visible on the northener's squared face, and two glazed over eyes twinkled beneath the shadows cast by the forest. They were not his, however, but rather belonged to the severed head hanging on his hip. The barbarian's eyes were in fact closed, as he was deeply immersed in his this foreign tune of his. He quickly regained his composure though, after almost tripping on a rather sizable pebble, once again peered at the world around him. Quickly noticing the gnome he was supposed to meet, he quickened his pace, as it is never acceptable to leave one who you've stricken a pact with waiting, though that had the ill side-effect of making the head's tongue exit its' mouth and dangle freely. Once he had found himself near the gnome, he halted, and respectfully greeted him, as he placed his massive axe head-down, and slightly leaned on it. "HAIL MIGHTY WIZARD. IT IS I, THE AXEMAN, KOL'RAKUL, AND I HAVE COME TO PLEDGE MY WEAPON TO YOUR CAUSE AS REQUESTED. LONG LIVE YOUR KING AND CITY." Noticing that due to his posture, blood had began to trickle down his leg, he untangled the trophy's hair from his belt and let it fall to the dirt. It rolled in the grass a few times, inching closer towards the gnome, before stopping, limp as always, with its' tongue still hanging out of a mouth filled with rotten, blackened teeth. "DO NOT BE TAKEN ABACK, WISE GNOME, FOR THIS ONE WAS FROM A BANDIT, SO EAGER TO TEST HIS GROUP'S METTLE AGAINST UNSUSPECTING TRAVELERS. I HAVE BROUGHT HIM BACK, SO AS TO BE IDENTIFIED BY AUTHORITIES. YOU MAY LAY CLAIM TO THIS TROPHY. YES, THE AXEMAN BRINGS A GIFT OF GOOD WILL, HO-HO!" Ah, the day was already off to a great start, and that raised Kol'Rakul's spirits. It always warmed his heart to see eager members of the court take up action against the forces that threatened their subjects, and this gnome seemed no exception. Whatever was coming, he was determined to face it.