[@The1Rolling1Boy] Claudia was about to take the hand when Spirit, and a fanciful spirit she was, bashfully retreated at the last minute. The vampire pursed her lips raising an eyebrow at her, then chuckled giving a warm smile. [color=ed145b]~Sweetie, no need to be shy. I would love to continue our conversation. In fact, why don't we take a walk together? I always love strolling through the hills in the middle of the day."~[/color] Though the sun wasn't her closest companion per say. Claudia did feel a bit light headed, but it wasn't too bad she couldn't enjoy little Spirit's company. She'd just have to find someone to feed from tonight, despite not enjoying it much. Although the things [i]after[/i] the feeding she really enjoyed. With a friendly gesture she presented her hand for the young girl to take.