[center]Hello! :-D I'm searching for a partner (still..), and I promise this is going to be the last thread I make for it. xD So below I have my requirements, fandoms I'm interested in playing out, and my other interests as well. [u][b]:: REQUIREMENTS ::[/b][/u] [b][One][/b] [i]Please do not god-mod, I won't do it as long as you're not, either. We have our own characters for a reason, and it is not to play the other, unless permission was given to the other.[/i] [b][Two][/b] [i]I usually prefer playing the female role, but I have no issue doubling up, playing a male and female role. In most cases I actually prefer doubling up, it makes for a more interesting story. That's just my opinion, though.[/i] [b][Three][/b] [i]I consider myself low to high casual when it comes to my writing, I've been out of the game for awhile but I'm slowly getting back into it, so please be patient with me while I get back into the swing of things.[/i] [b][Four][/b] [i]I don't mind playing either in threads or PMs, but they're the only 2 places I'll do it in, for me my e-mail it's just too personal and has my personal information, and I don't even use e-mail, either way.[/i] [b][Five][/b] [i]I have a life outside of here, so if I'm slow at replying please don't get mad at me, but just know I won't just vanish on you, either, and I expect the same in return.[/i] [u][b]:: PAIRINGS ::[/b][/u] - Vampire x Human [I have a plot in mind for this, it just still needs more work to it.] - Werewolf x Human - Other Supernatural x Human - Supernatural x Hunter - Detective x Witness [Also have a rocky plot to go along with this as well.] - Any Dominant x Any Submissive - Prince/King x Slave Girl/Commoner - Knight x Princess/Commoner - If you've got anything you'd want to try out, just suggest it and we'll see! [u][b]:: FANDOMS ::[/b][/u] - Supernatural (Only got to the beginning of season 8 here) - The Walking Dead (Completely caught up) - The Vampire Diaries (Haven't seen the last 2 seasons) - Twilight (Clique, I know) - Harry Potter (Would like to be doing OC's and now canon's in this one) - Disney Movie (Any of them, we can do our own twist to it) - Again, any ideas just throw it out there and we'll see what we can work out. Thank you again, just post here or messege me through PM's and we'll get something worked out![/center]