The elven gypsy girl was beginning to like the group that was being formed and then the rogue came in. Assallya didn't like the inclusion of another woman. Women weren't quite so easily manipulated as the men were and men were less protective of a singular woman when others were about. Still, at least this woman did not appear ladylike. She didn't move like a typical woman. There was grace to her but not a lady's grace. It was the grace of a predator stalking her prey and yet... Assallya couldn't put her finger on it. There were some movements that didn't feel right, something other than restrained violence. She was concealing something in her movements. She found herself regretting her choice of attire. Maybe she should have gone with the wizardly garb, or the duchess outfit, or her thief leathers... something more worthy of respect than a common gypsy girl who may as well have been dancing atop the table than sitting at it. Striking a more regal posture she sat up straight in the high backed chair and calmly placed one hand over the other on the table, looking every bit a porcelain queen.