[color=hotpink][h2][center][b]Andromeda Kailani[/b][/center][/h2][/color] Golden streaks of sunlight traced the contours of the room, spilling through the half-curtained window and stretching out against the far wall. Situated in the space in between was one of the four beds within the room, which held a certain student who was currently regretting her choice to hastily claim the spot closest to the window as her own. Namely because of the fact that despite her best efforts to create her personal Fortress of Solitude out of the most abundant building material at the moment, blankets and pillows, the sun was still intruding on her domain. There was no escape, the whole section of the room was illuminated. Andromeda let out a long breath of air which pushed out against her flimsy blanket shield which was making a valiant stand against the unending onslaught on her eyes. One more annoyed huff later, she pulled up the side of the blanket to peer out with bleary eyes towards neighboring bastions, she considered co-opting their blankets for her own use. She was certain that they wouldn't need them, and her situation was dire, so much so that it might call for the extreme eventuality of having to move from her current comfy spot. The end would justify the means. Reluctantly, Andromeda rolled over in her bed, pulling the protective blankets with her as she went, to get her Scroll within arm's reach. She was immedaitely greeted by her own frowning, grumpy reflection to whom she flared her nose and glared at, before the screen flickered to life. [color=hotpink][i]8:44[/i][/color]. Way too early normally, way too early for a weekend. Dismayed, she let her arm drop over to the side, swinging the Scroll back and forth between her fingers. Unfortunately, there was little chance of being able to fall back asleep, she was in [i]awake and do stuff[/i] mode, which would last for at least sixteen more hours. The reluctant addition to the land of the living gave one final huff, before maneuvering her legs off of the bed without actually siting up, pulling herself to a passable approximation of "standing". Making her way to the bathroom, blanket cocoon and all, she made sure not to disturb those around. A few minutes later, which was mostly comprised of applying cold water directly to her face, Andromeda had located a wearable t-shirt and jeans, and found herself staring at the pile of blankets she had deposited back on her bed, before simply deciding to throw her uniform's jacket over her shoulders as a workable substitute. Prepared for the worst the world could throw at her, she tiptoed towards the door and ventured out with a clear mission in mind: [i][color=hotpink]coooffeeeee noooow[/color][/i]. A few minutes of wandering hindered her progress somewhat, as she slowly pieced together where exactly the mess was located, though she eventually arrived at her destination. It took only a few short minutes, and a couple mumbled "[color=hotpink]g'mornin's[/color]" for her to secure the prize and find an empty table. Andromeda braced her elbows against the cool surface of the table and rested her head in her hands, blankly staring at the stuff of life she had set down, trying to will its contents into her through sheer force of not wanting to move alone. Eventually she gave in, and began the task of getting the much needed caffeine into her system. [i][color=hotpink]gonna need like, ten more of those[/color][/i] Becoming more and more conscious, Andromeda slid her Scroll onto the table, and began flicking through the list of contacts she had available, coming to her teammate's entries. There was a moment when she considered calling them... but that lasted about as long as it took for her to figure that they could call her if they needed to; she was busy getting more coffee.