"Any attempt to touch the case would have made anything placed against it get atomized," responded Yuuno, swiftly. Her expression becoming a pout, she glared at the case. "I don't know how they got past that one, I made sure the spell was applied perfectly..." "Hmm..." Toshiko looked around the case carefully, eyeing it from every angle. It wasn't particularly small, the case's insides were more then large enough to accommodate the vase and... quite possibly something else. Judging from the size of the case, in fact, the vase was rather large itself. "How big is the vase, exactly?" she asked again. "Ah? It's taller then me!" replied Yuuno, quickly. Toshiko's attention returned to the case. A whole other person could fit in there... "... Is there any defenses inside the case?" Yuuno looked at the case again, and frowned, folding her arms. "I don't... think so..."