The promise of deadly encounters and strong opponents in the request for help had already excited Bartimus beyond his reckoning. From the moment he got the request to assist with the spelunking of this forgotten, forbidden ruin of evil intent, his feathers had been ruffled and his sword hand itched with feverish excitement. He had walked for 2 days and 2 nights without rest just to be here at the agreed upon time, lugging his heavy pack clattering with pots and pans through wood and wind, hail and frost with no signs of slowing or stopping sheerly because of how much he relished the battle ahead. It was for this reason that he was tied up in the higher branches of a rather large oak, with his pack hoisted on rope away from the earth to dangle next to him. Every warrior has their limits, and his was met in the dark of the night he had arrived. The cover of the tree's canopy hid him from sight, but his softly hooting snore was faintly audible, echoing past the leaves and being carried by the soft wind of the chilly spring morning. He woke suddenly and looked up through the covering of leaves and twigs to see the warm light of the morning sun shining through. A moment's deliberation pushed him into moving as he set to untying the rope holding him to the tree and grabbed his pack, untying it as well before letting himself down as quickly as he could. He coiled the rope for later use and secured it to his pack before approaching the already gathered party with a twittering yawn. He checked his blades in their hip sheathes, his shining silver blade, polished to a mirror finish, and his shorter iron blade, showing the signs of use wth it's nicks and burrs, and its spots of rust near the guard. The shortbow and quiver secured to the side of his pack creaked and shuffled as he approached. "You folk, no concern for the resting nomad. Clatter and clank and scream. Its enough to make a man wish for his nest again." Bartimus said as his feathers puffed up in the crisp morning air, making him look less warrior and more child's companion. He looked to Irthorne and gave a respectful nod, already familiar with the gnome's manner, "Where am I required? My heart is uneasy with all of my inactivity of late."