[@Alder] [center][h3]Lusitania Fullerene[/h3][/center] Lusitania who had been waiting patiently holding onto Luna with both of her hands pushed her rock dog forward to grab the Pokedex with its mouth. It held it cutely in its jaws, Lusitania smiled at her helpful little rock dog. [color=92278f]"Thank you so much for the Pokedex professor, I'll be sure to put it to good use."[/color] Lusitania said happily as she pulled her rock ruff back. Then she felt the chill. Someone in the room was in annoyance at her actions. [i]'Sorry'[/i] she thought in response as she frowned, turning to face the boys stare that was drilling into her back. She was about to say 'what' but before she could even begin to speak, another boy had come over asking for his Pokedex. Then another. This entire time Lusitania just stood there observing the first boys slow descent into madness at everyone's actions. She wasn't even surprised when the boy snapped, in fact, she responded quite well to it. [color=92278f]"Sure. I'll be up for a battle."[/color] Her voice sounded happy but it had the dark undertone that signified she was going to deal some serious damage. Even Luna was looking determined at the challenge, The Rockruff was always up for a fight, in fact, she's quite [u]adament[/u] for them. [color=92278f]"So where shall we start kid."[/color] She teased, insulting his short height. [color=92278f]"After all I was here first so it only makes sense I get the first battle, no?"[/color] Luna grinned at hearing this. [color=92278f]"So when you are ready. Let's go."[/color] Lusitania challenged, as she ruffled Luna's hair. She was completely ignoring everyone else but the boy with the Gible. whom had declared such a challenge. It was safe to say, Lusitania was very excited.