Kitala was trying. She really was. Festivities were, unfortunately, not her strong point. The Sound Mage sat off to the side, taking in the cheery sounds of children and adults alike. She smiled softly; even if she wasn't directly participating, the festival's atmosphere could lighten up even the most solemn people in all of Fiore. Including her. Kitala could tell that most of her guildmates were having a good time, at least, and that was always a pleasant sight. Pleasant indeed, as a good 80 percent of the time Golem's Hand felt...uptight. Stern. But seeing everyone loosened up a bit made Kitala wish she could work up the damn courage to [i]talk[/i] to someone. But conversation was also not her strong point; and so, here she was. Hell, even Harpy's Wing was having a good time, and those tree-hugging fools were nothing but- Kitala stopped her own train of thought...that's not what tonight is about, she told herself. If there was a time to let go of her anger, now was that time. Besides, if she picked a fight eith any of the Harpy's Wing members, Delsin would kill her. Or worse. The thought of it made her smirk a bit, though. If anything, it would help her loosen up. Was her affinity for violence concerning? Perhaps. But sucker punching someone for the hell of it might just be her favorite pastime. Drumming her fingertips against the table, Kitala's thoughts wandered back toward the festival. She was being kind of a killjoy, wasn't she? Maybe she should play a game? Get some food? ...Drink? Kitala settled on food and wandered over to a stand that just so happened to sell one of her favorites: [i]donuts.[/i] Breakfast stereotypes be damned, glazed donuts were great for any occasion! Especially a festival like this! Slamming down cash, Kitala proceeded to grab enough glazed donuts to feed a whole table and shove them in a bag provided by the lovely salesman. Nice guy. Glancing around first, Kitala tried to casually shove an entire donut the size of her face into her mouth...and succeeded. Nobody would notice, right? As the sweet, chewy taste hit her tongue, Kitala couldn't help but let out a satisfied [i]Mmmm...[/i] Was she feeling a bit left out of the festival? Yes. Was she afraid to talk to anyone? Also yes. Did she mildly resent the fact that Harpy's Wing was here? Absolutely. was a good day with these donuts.